Today is Mrs. Joe Wachtel’s birthday. Rosalia went up to church this morning. It rained last night, thundered and lightin’, hail & wind, but it didn’t do no damage as far as I know. Papa went up to the school this morning again, today he wanted all the men from the congregation to come to help pour cement. Miss Lela & Ethel Deuker (sp?), the school teachers, took their school children to Fort Chartre yesterday in Lester Gregson’s truck for an outing. They had wiener roast, ice cream. There were about 50 children. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Uncle Fred went up to work at the new school. They stayed at our house for supper. Bertille went over to Mrs. Frank Birkner this afternoon & brought her some tomato plants from Aunt Mary. Bertille took 3 dozen eggs to the store, got .20¢ a dozen.
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