Rosalia is got them spots all over this morning, so I guess in a few days she will be alright again. Papa took 8 doz. eggs off & got 12¢. This afternoon a fellow from Belleville was here & looked at our chickens, he wanted to buy 6 for $1.50 a piece, but Papa wanted $2.00. So he bought 6½ doz. eggs from the White Rocks, selling eggs for 25¢ a doz. We got a Valentine yesterday & today, one from Rosie & Mamie Mueth. Joe Miller from Waterloo got buried the other day, that is Bess Miller’s dad. The transfer of Ben Schilling to Clara Braun was also in the paper. Quernheim’s are going to have their new funeral apartment open on Main St. next Sunday from 9 to 5, everybody should come to see it. Papa took a letter to Chicago Mail Order to the bank this morning. Mr. Pinkel said, he would take charge of it. That he would send it away tomorrow. We send a Valentine to Rosie & Mamie today.
Friday, Feb. 13, 1931
Filed Under: 1931, February Tagged With: Anton, Belleville, Braun, burial, Chicago_Mail_Order, chickens, eggs, funeral_home, measles, Miller, Mueth, Pinkel, property_transfer, Quernheim, Rosalia, Schilling, Valentine, Waterloo, White_Rocks
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