We had chicken soup for dinner. Rosalia & Bertille went to Red Bud to the Wedding high mass at 9’o clock, the couple was from Valeymer [sic], & also priest, the bride wore white dress & veil & carried white roses, the bridesmaid wore blue dress & ribbon & carried yellow roses. Frank Geshwender & Mildred Becthlofft are being married in Hecker with a wedding dance in the hall tonight. We are invited to Chas. Hellfrich’s to a birthday party tonite, Mrs. Helfrich’s & Mrs. Ed. Krehrer birthday’s; we all went down there, all the Birkner’s, & Jeff Bell furnished musci [sic], an a crowd & fun. Oh! Boy; cake, beer, wine were served, Hecker, Paderborn, Waterloo, Red Bud, St. Louis, people where all there. They said the wedding dance in the hall wasn’t much, Irene Reheis Orchestra of Belleville played; not crowded at all. Joe Griffin was best man, & her sister & best girl friend & maid of honor. The bride had white dress & veil, & others green, & coral pink; they had a white cloth laid all the way to the alter to walk on; the bride was taken to the coumion [sic – communion] railing by her father, & the girls followed & Frank & the boys came in the side door, everything up to the minute, 4 priests.
Thursday, Nov. 24, 1932
Filed Under: 1932, November Tagged With: Bechtloff, Becthlofft, Bell, Belleville, best_man, Birkner, birthday, bride, bridesmaid, Geshwender, Griffin, Hecker, Helfrich, Hellfrich, high_mass, Irene_Reheis_Orchestra, Kreher, Krehrer, marriage, Paderborn, Red_Bud, Reheis, Rosalia, St._Louis, Valeymer, Valmeyer, Waterloo, wedding, wedding_dance
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