Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he cleaned his cistern, took all the dirt out; then went back home. The Y.P.L. are giving a play entiled [sic] “Here Comes Charlie,” & a dance after it musci [sic] by Holloywood Harmonists tonite in Kammler’s Hall; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went, it surely was good; the players were, Flossie Kammler, Clifford Stalhleber, Clara Hofmeister, Clarence Rausch, Ralph Rausch, Viola Weigand, Henry Spalt, Alsace Eckert, Alma Hepp, Lyle Rausch, & between acts was songs by Marjorie Emig, & acrobatics tap dancing by Louise Wilhelm both of Belleville. A large crowd, hall filled.
Wednesday, May 2, 1934
Filed Under: 1934, May Tagged With: Aunt Mary, Belleville, cistern, dance, Eckart, Eckert, Emig, Hecker_Y.P._League, Hepp, Hofmeister, Holloywood_Harmonists, Hollywood_Harmonists, Kammler, Kammler_Hall, performers, play, Rausch, Spalt, Stalheber, Stalhleber, Uncle Fred, Weigand, Wiegand, Wilhelm, Y.P.L
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