Papa & Rosalia went out & got a load wheat. Mrs. Rennecker has a boarder Ferd [Fred?] Smith. The St. Augustine Parish are having a euchre, lotto, pinochle; tonight; in the hall. We cooked kettle soap. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to the euchre, Rosalia had 8 points, she got a glass & plate, the rest of us got nothing had 7 points. Cecilia Coop won attendance prize, pillow cases. Mr. Albert Griffin was fired at the St. Louis Dairy Station here, another guy Smith got on his place. Frank Hilpert’s wedding ann. today.
Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1934
Filed Under: 1934, October Tagged With: anniversary, Anton, Aunt Mary, boarder, card_games, Coop, Euchre, fired, Griffin, Hilpert, lotto, pinochle, prizes, Rennecker, Rosalia, Smith, St._Augustine_Church, St._Louis_Dairy, Uncle Fred, unemployment, wedding_anniversary, wheat
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