Beautiful day, warm. We baked bread & cherry coffee cake, we picked about ½ gal. cherries; some are green yet, birds help themselves also; so we might get a few more yet. Eggs are 16¢ now. We sent a book ticket to Dupo, that we received from there, for the benefit of Sacred Heart Church there; on a Ford V.8 .25¢ or 5 chances for $1. Henry was up at Meng’s; with the mares. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, him & Rosalia took 18 bus. wheat to Waterloo got 87¢. Mrs. Renneker has a coffee demonstration at her place this afternoon, Mrs. A. Braun & Erna, Alma & Katie Klotz, Lena Meng, Clara Wagner, Mrs. Hugo Probst; lady doing the work, also Olive Laut is there. Clara Wagner came here & invited us to come to her place on today a week, June 2, she is going to have it, she won a dish, now by giving it at her place also, she gets a pyrex set. We planted the rest of sweet potatoe [sic] plants out, got the row & filled, 360 plants. Send for tennis shoes for Aunt Mary. Mr. Will Rhul & daughter was here, he looked at the rake, but said he couldn’t use it, also talked about the signing of Clover contracts this year.
Tuesday, May 26, 1936
Filed Under: 1936, May Tagged With: Aunt Mary, baking, Braun, cherry picking, chores, Clover_contract, coffee_demonstration, Dupo, eggs, gardening, Henry, Klotz, Laut, Meng, planting, Probst, pyrex, raffle, Rennecker, Renneker, Rhul, Rosalia, Ruhl, Sacred_Heart_Church, tennis_shoes, Uncle Fred, Wagner, Waterloo, wheat
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