Leo Orlet & Rose wedding day; had Lizzie Boll & Aunt Mary & Leona helped cook; married at St. Mary’s at 9 o’clock, Isd. & Bert best; lot of people at church, we had breakfast at Fr. Orlets; & took pictures at Ruine, & put news in News Democrat; had Fr. out for dinner & all brothers & sisters, god mothers & fathers; Jos. Keller all for dinner & supper about 40 persons; took pictures here in afternoon. Dance at Paulter tonite musci [sic] by Skaers, etc. & what a crowd, & presents, got 3 sets of dishes 2 knives & forks, blankets, quilts, tea kettle & every so many more; Rained this morning & cloudy all day; foggy. We had Alois Roth’s car, & he took Leo, chaeuffer [sic] for Mr. & Mrs. Orlet & Mr. & Mrs. Roth.
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1937
Filed Under: 1937, January Tagged With: attendants, Aunt Mary, Belleville_newspaper, Belleville_News_Democrat, Boll, Brand, Fr_Orlet, Keller, Leo, Leona, marriage, News_Democrat, Orlet, Paulter_Hall, Pautler, Rosalia, Rosalia_wedding, Roth, Ruine, St._Marys, wedding, wedding_dance, wedding_day, wedding_gifts
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