Went to mass. Mrs. Joe Wacthel, Mrs. Clarence Wittenauer & baby girl Doris & Lucinda came last nite awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up all day, dinner & supper; we played 2 games pinochle; there Uncle went to see Mrs. Mike Armstutz who isn’t very good at present; Bert [Bertille] went along with them out to Mueth’s to see them, Josie isn’t so bad the rest are still in hospital, but getting along well so far. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] stopped in, went to Henry’s all day. Beautiful day 74 again. We went over to see Emil – Lester Gregsons family came also. At 9:30 car drove in here, it was Ed. Heap, looked at the pigs.
Sunday, Feb. 13, 1938
Filed Under: 1938, February, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: Armstutz, Aunt Mary, Birkner, Brand, card_games, Catholic_mass, Emil, Gregson, Heap, Henry, hospitalization, illness, Leo, mass, Mueth, Orlet, pigs, pinochle, Rosalia, Uncle Fred, Wacthel, Watchel, Wittenauer
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