Pap worked garden etc. Bert [Bertille] went to mass, to see Rose [Rosalia] all morn. Pap went down after dinner. Raining this afternoon, nice showers, brought another patient in Wilda [? – unclear] Ziebold operated for appendix. this morn. sure got the hospital filled; the 4 lb. baby died Sat. eve. Leo came Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud, stayed all nite. Rained.
Who is Rosalia? Was she Anton Eichenseer’s daughter?
Hi Betty!
Thanks for the comment. Rosalia (nee Brand) Orlet is Bertille (aka Tillie’s) sister. She was the older sister of Bertille. At this point in the journals, Rosalia has just given birth to her first child, Marita.
Bertille and Rosalia also have an older brother, Henry, who is mentioned quite a bit in the journals.
Take Care,