We had to get our chicken ready for the picnic this morning. Bertille went to church. Aunt Mary & Rosalia went up to see the procession of the Bishop. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry’s family were all here for chicken dinner. Henry & Rosalia did the work this evening. They had a very large crowd at the picnic. The Smithton Band furnished music.
Wednesday, August 20, 1930
Today we have to get things ready for the picnic tomorrow. Papa is hauling gravel this morning again. Bobby and Floyd were up here all day. We took them home this evening.
Tuesday, August 19, 1930
Papa, Rosalia are going to haul gravel in our road today. Lester Gregson’s have a little boy since last Sat. afternoon. They got it christened Sunday, Robert Leo. Leo Wittenauer and a girl from Belleville stood up for it. Ed Schneider have a little girl, they christened it Mary Frances. Last Friday when we was in Belleville we all got weighed in the News Democrat office. Uncle Fred was 161. Papa was 160. Aunt Mary was 160. Rosalia was 153. Bertille was 113 lbs. Bertille was out at Henry’s this afternoon. We had chicken for dinner and one for supper today. Rosalia took Bobby along up this afternoon when she hauled a load of gravel. Peter Birkner was at our place at noon. Papa wanted to see him about making sidewalks. He is fixing a driveway by Joe Watchel’s house.
Monday, August 18, 1930
Bertille was at church this morning. We heard they fired John Wittenaur from the creamery in Hecker & also Steve Rennecker from the Heyl Rock quarry. But he is going to work with Weber Quarry now. We washed, ironed, patched this afternoon. Henry was here a little while this afternoon. Papa got Vic Eichenseer to come down and look at our tank in the basement this morning. He unscrewed the valve so we could get water out of the tank. This evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s and Aunt Mary’s a little while. Then we came back and got some chicken and took them to the store, we had 71 lbs. spring chickens. .22¢ a lb. $15.62.
Sunday, August 17, 1930
Today the Evangelicals have their church picnic. Hubert & Ed McDermott were at our place this afternoon. Then we all went up to the picnic. We all at supper there. We came home at 10:30.
Saturday, August 16, 1930
Today is Freeburg Home Coming & also a lot of sales. Papa went to Altoff sale at Wartburg, IL. He bought some disc plates for .25¢. Fred Schaefer is moving into part of Albert Monike’s house. Lester Gregson’s have a little boy.
Friday, August 15, 1930
We all went early this morning to church. The priest passed Miss Stella Roscow by this morning at the communion railing. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner and breakfast. This afternoon we all went into Belleville. We got some cook pots. Rosalia went and got the mail. This evening Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family went up to Uncle Adam’s & Emil’s. I have seen in the Waterloo Times that Miss Ida Sommer & two girl friends from Columbia motored to Louisville, Kentucky, where they will spend a week seeing many points of interest such as Mammoth Cave, Lincoln’s birthplace at Hodgenville, Ky., The Old Kentucky home of Bardstown & Camp Knox. They expect to return home Sat. Also Miss Marie Kolmer and Louise Dalkert left Sat. for a tour of the west. Their stops will include Denver, Colorado Springs, Estes & Yellowstone parks. They will be gone about 2 weeks. A 8 lb. baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Strattman, the shoe man, at St. Mary’s Hospital, East St. Louis, Monday morning. They now have a pair. On August 9, Miss Alice Hoffman became the bride of Mr. Roy Bohres of St. Louis.
Thursday, August 14, 1930
Today we have to fast from eating meat. Papa went to Evansville & Red Bud this afternoon. Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred came up this evening. Aunt Mary, Rosalia & Bertille went up to church to confession. Mamie Eichenseer came along down with us. She stayed a little while.
Wednesday, August 13, 1930
Today is Eunice Blackburn’s birthday. She is going to be 15 years old. It is also Hilda Staunbiel’s birthday. I believe there is a bunch going to Hilda’s first and then afterwards go to Blackburns. We have an invitation, but we aren’t going. It rained this afternoon. There were 2 nice rainbows in the East. Bertille went & got the paper this evening. She priced the chickens, heavy’s are .22 and leghorns are .18 and .15. Lard is .10¢. George Wagner has his garage finished now. There was a big crowd at Blackburn’s.
Tuesday, August 12, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille washed, ironed, patched, baked pie this morning. Papa went up in the woods to get a load of gravel for our road, but he got stuck in the branch & he called for Rosalia to come up with the chevrolet & bring along the ax and the chain along. Bertille made a chicken for dinner, we had soup. Today is Melissa Wiegand’s birthday. We all went there this evening. There sure was a crowd there, lemonade, cake were the refreshments. They had a cake baked with 23 candles on. It is also Mrs. Ben Heyl’s birthday. Clevelands were there until about 10 o’clock then them & Heyls came to Wiegands. Nick Mueth furnished music, but his music broke so Gus Blackburn got his. Uncle Fred brought Aunt Mary up this afternoon & he went back home again. Aunt Mary was here for supper. I have seen in the paper that Dr. Eckert was fined $5 & costs for disturbing the peace, about his father. He is to have a trial today. It looks awful cloudy.
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