Henry & family were all here for dinner, today after dinner Henry went up to see the priest. We went out to Uncle Fred’s and Aunt Mary’s this evening & listened to the Radio & had lunch there too. They was up at our house this morning. Mrs. Seibert is getting buried this morning at Smithton. Henry took the barrel & kettle along home, he is going to butcher tomorrow.
Thursday, Dec. 18, 1930
Looks like snow this morning. It started snowing & kept up all day. Henry & Leona went to Belleville this morning & left the kids here. They were back again for dinner. We baked delicious cookies this morning. Harold & Virgil Eichenseer were here this evening and brought us a letter for an invitation for a play in St. Augustine’s Hall next Tues. afternoon given by the school children, admission fee says 11¢ in this letter. We got a Christmas card today from Creses Freund.
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1930
Papa, Rosalia, Bertille all went to Belleville to sell sausage again this morning, so we did pretty good today, we sold $6.30 eggs & had calls for many more, but we didn’t have any, only 18 dozs. We also came across Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred too, John Reheis’s, Louis Armstutz, Flossie Kammler, Alvera Jatho. We & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Rhein’s & Kamapp Piano Co. we bought a victrola from Rhein’s for $8.00 delivered to the house, 24 records, 2 package needles. Rosalia & Bertille are baking oatmeal cookies tonight. We met Tony Eichenseer & also Raymond Schumacher at Belleville today. Bertille was up town twice this evening to get the papers. The marriage licenses of Osborn Birkner & a girl from Belleville 16 years old were in the paper & also those who were present at the wedding supper. He is the son of Pete Birkner, he is 29 yrs. old & married a girl 16. Viola Steinheimer of Belleville. Hy. Rausch is ill at present.
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 1930
Papa went butchering out at Uncle Adam’s today, he was there for lunch & dinner. He had to go to George Henkel’s this morning first and get the hogs for them. We washed, ironed, baked cookies, fry in meat today. Elmer Kammler, John Braun, Willie Braun, Gus. Klotz are all butchering today. It is a right nice day, only it is a little cold. This morning they had to shoot so many times before they killed the hogs at Henkels, Emil, John, George & Papa they all shot a couple of times & finally George killed them with the last bullet, they had. Good Luck wasn’t it, I Say! Levi Gregson’s, Papa & Henry help them to butcher.
Monday, Dec. 15, 1930
Today we are butchering one hog again. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here for lunch & dinner. Aunt Mary mixed some Caramel Cookie Recipe together. Rosalia went up town this evening and got some air & gas in the Whippet. Our Belleville News Democrat won’t come the same day it is printed anymore, because it don’t pay the bus driver to bring it along, because not many people here get that paper.
Sunday, Dec. 14, 1930
Henry & family were all here for dinner today. This evening Bill Freund was here for supper. We played 6 games pinochle, Papa & I were partners & Rosalia & Bill. We won 5 games out of 6. Not so bad eh! Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here a little while this morning before church.
Saturday, Dec. 13, 1930
Papa got crushing down this morn. Rosalia & Bertille baked Christmas cookies this afternoon. Mr. Ed. Pabst was here this morning and brought a load of corn 12 bus. from the place down there. Papa went up in the woods. There is to be some kind of play party down at Hepp’s tonight the way we heard.
Friday, Dec. 12, 1930
Today is Emil Brand’s birthday. Bertille baked honey cookies this morning. This afternoon we all went up in the woods. I seen in the Waterloo Times that George Wiegand of Hecker Ills., has a new Plymouth Coupe. Hugo Schroeder of St. Louis was in a accident Tuesday evening a machine collided with him on the Hard Road by Coxeyvile. Leona baked some pinwheel cookies this afternoon for Christmas. Herman Geodelle & Ray Crook had a accident too Tuesday evening. The machines were both damaged & Crook had a cut in his hand. A baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Nick Meuth on Dec. 2 & a baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Hy. Brinkman sponsor were Mr. & Mrs. George Welzbacher. Its name is Sylveria[?] Elizabeth it was baptized in Waterloo Sunday. In Red Bud it is reported have 30 cases of scarlet fever & it also is spreading out in the country now, the way the paper says. The Co. commissions to 3 surveys for the hard road to Hecker & sent them up to Springfield. One was the old road & thru Lord’s Corner down to Athens, & one north, & another still further north, straight east from Waterloo.
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