Snowing all day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morning. One of our white chickens died today. Bertille was sick today. Frank Emery’s got the measles. They was to put a sign up. We found one egg today.
Monday, January 20, 1930
It is snowing again. Papa found another egg today but it is frozen. Bertille went up town to get the mail this afternoon. Eggs are .36 & .38¢ (a dozen).
Sunday, January 19, 1930
Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went to church. Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were here & had dinner with us. Henry went to church. It is a nice day, a little cold. It is 5 below zero, that’s what they say.
Saturday, January 18, 1930
Papa paid Ben Hely for 2 hogs. Rosalia and Bertille went to church this afternoon. Papa is working in the chicken house. We got 2 eggs today for the first time we got our chickens. It is 15 below zero.
Friday, January 17, 1930
Papa went to Dr. Echerts to get some chickens. He got 44 chickens weighing 196 lbs. at .23¢ $45.00. It is snowing heavy.
Thursday, January 16, 1930
Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went out to Henry’s this afternoon and got straw for our chicken house. In the evening we went to Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary’s. She popped some corn and we helped to eat it. Joseph Braun was here in the evening and brought Papa his auto keys. He stuck them in his pocket by mistake in the bank. The weather is beautiful but is a little cold. The sun is shining nice.
Wednesday, January 15, 1930
Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went out to Henry’s this morning to get some chicken feed. Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Papa & Uncle Fred were fixing the chicken house. There was to be a Euchre (game) in Augustine’s Parish tonight, but it was postponed until further notice, on account of bad roads. Mr. Ed Meng was here. Oliver Kuhns & Henry Braun came down this afternoon with a load of coal and got stuck. Steve Rienbrecker pushed him out.
Tuesday, January 14, 1930
The weather sure is pleasant, nice, sunshine, but the roads are muddy. There was high water all around. Casey Pabst went out as far as Kemps Hill and he said the creek was out. The Heckers scouts went to Columbia to attend to a American Legion meeting. They are repairing telephone lines in town which were broke down by ice. Alfred Geodelle baby is sick.
Monday, January 13, 1930
Papa went to town twice. The sun isn’t shining yet. Papa worked on his chicken house today.
Sunday, January 12, 1930
Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went to church. Henry & Robert Laut were fixing telephone line. Henry came here for dinner. Rosalia & Bertille were at Mrs. Joe Wachtel this afternoon. Angela was there too. Papa went uptown in the afternoon.
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