Tuesday, June 10, 1930

Bertille was at church this morning.  Papa & Rosalia are fixing gates.  Mrs. Ganley is pretty bad sick we heard.  Bertille mailed a letter to the Auto Ins. Co. for $6.32 for the Whippet Insurance.  This evening Mr. & Mrs. Albert Cleveland & son Grover were here they came to look at our little chicks.  Ed. Neff was also here a little while.

Monday, June 9, 1930

Papa & Rosalia went to Henry’s this morning.  They had dinner out there.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Bertille went to Red Bud to the school picnic.  Papa went to look for dewberries, but he said “there was none there.”  In the evening we all went out to Kenneth Kemp’s barn dance.  Ha!  Ha!  We sure did have fun.  Bertille was at church this morning.  This evening she took eggs to the store & got .17¢ a dozen, then she went up to Eichenseer’s to see if Mamie could go along to Kemps.  But she wasn’t allowed to go.

Sunday, June 8, 1930

Papa & Rosalia & Aunt Mary went to first mass.  Bertille, Henry & Leona went to late mass.  Henry & family were here for dinner.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home and then came back about 3 o’clock ready for the picnic.  The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical Church gave a picnic, & cold supper.  We all ate our supper there.  Admission 35 cents.

Saturday, June 7, 1930

Papa & Rosalia went up to Henry the morning to fix [the] fence.    There are dances all over tonight.  We have an invitation to Ronnenbergs and also have one to Ettlings, Marcella’s birthday.  There is one at Chas. Sensel’s barn dance, one at Oak Grove, Renault.  It rained a little this evening.  Papa, Rosalia & Bertille were at Ettlings this evening.  There sure were a lot of people there.  Marcella got all kinds of beautiful presents.  Those that were there were, Peter Reheis & family, John Reheis & family, Albert Cleveland & family, Robert Laut & family, Perry Klotz & family & Elmer Kammlers wife & Billy, August Blackburn & family, Nick Menths family, Ike Napier & family, George Boll & family.  The boys were: Henry Spalt, Clifford Stallebher, Elmer & Clement Parker, Odillo Eichenseer, Henry & Ralph Wiegand, Levi Ganley, Clarence Pabst, Karl Kammler & his girl, & Alfred Kammler & his girl, Ralph Rausch, Kenneth Kemp, Milton Wagner, & a good many others from St. Louis.  Cake, Beer, Lemonade were served.  We came home at 12:30.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at Ronnenbergs.  There was an awful big crowd there too.  Henry said it was crowded at Sensel’s too.  There were way many more people at Ettling then what I have mentioned.

Friday, June 6, 1930

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon and then we all went to Red Bud to Valentine Dehn’s funeral.  It was a pretty large one.  They had such nice flowers.  Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary stayed for lunch.  Mr. Mavers was here trying to sell his horses and machinery & chicks to Papa.  In the evening Papa went over to see Ed. Meng.  And afterwards we all went out to Henry’s.  Papa and Henry went up to Jac. Mavers and got the stuff home what Papa got.  Papa got the 2 horses & 1 colt, buggy, cultivator, 75 chicks, wire, harness, and a few other items.  Mr. Mavers was here this morning but Papa wasn’t at home, he was working at the new school all morning.

Thursday, June 5, 1930

Today is Confirmation at Evansville & Red Bud.  Ivo Buehler is getting confirmed in Red Bud this afternoon.  Adam Eckert is his sponsor.  Father Grooten stopped here this morning and asked Papa to help work on the new school.  So Papa went up this morning & also this afternoon.  Nick Schaefer, Jos. Schilling and Jack Helfrich are working there.  We sold 26 lbs. springs .32¢ a lb. $8.32 the other day, last Monday.  Rosalia took 2 doz. eggs off and got .17¢ a dozen.  It rained a little this afternoon, but not very much.  This evening Rosalia & Bertille went up town.  There is dairy meeting at the school house & the Y.P.L. have meeting at their church.  Henry came up for the milk meeting.  He was down here a little while before he went.  Ida Kammler was sitting on the porch & we went over a little while.  Billy’s pussy’s are both gone and he can’t find them no more.

Wednesday, June 4, 1930

Papa went up to work at the school this morning a little while.  Bertille went up and called him to help Henry make hay, so Papa and Rosalia went out there all day.  Bertille is baking bread.  Today is Marcella Ettling’s birthday, but the way I heard they are going to celebrate it Saturday night.  Last Friday on Decoration Day, the Hecker baseball players played with Waterloo, but Hecker lost for the first time this season.  Sunday they played with Red Bud and Hecker lost again.  That is the second time for Hecker.  Papa and Rosalia came home right after dinner & then Rosalia & Bertille drove out there , we took all of our quilts along & washed them in that new motor washing machine.  It sure did go nice.  In the evening Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille drove out to Aunt Mary’s and Uncle Fred & when we got there they was just getting ready for the birthday.  Today is Henry Birkner’s birthday.  He is 27 years old.  So we didn’t stay very long out at Uncle Fred’s.  Clifford Stahlheber was here a little while this evening.  He came to tell us that Mrs. Ettling told him that there is going to be a dance Sat. night at their place.  They are going to celebrate Marcella’s birthday & we should also tell Uncle Fred’s, so we did but they had an invitation for Ronnenbergs on Saturday night and Mrs. Ronnenberg told them to tell us, so we [have] an invitation for 2 places Sat. nite.  Henry & family went to Dan Geodells to nite to practice music for Sat. nite, they have to play at Chas. Sensel’s barn dance.

Tuesday, June 3, 1930

Rosalia & Bertille washed today and also ironed.  Papa fixed some gates this morning and this afternoon.  Johnny came and said that Father Grootens said “he should come up and work at the new school today.”  So he went up this afternoon.  Mrs. Rennecker was over a little while this morning, one of our chickens got over there so she brought it back again.  Her brother Valentine Dehn drowned in the river Monday evening.  Him and another fellow were trying out a new boat, he was at Belleville Monday and got himself a $160 motor boat.  And Monday night him and another fellow went boat riding and they both drowned.  His partner they found right away, but they didn’t find him until this morning about 5 o’clock.  All the children went down there yesterday afternoon.  He is now down at Ellis Grove by his sister Annie.  They intend bringing him up to Red Bud in Dasher’s undertaking parlor until Friday afternoon 2 o’clock.  Later on Mr. Dehn had intended to take a 700 mile trip down the river to Arkansas.


Monday, June 2, 1930

Papa was out at Henry’s today helping to make hay.  He had dinner & lunch out there.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon a little while.  Rosalia was up at Griffins this morning helping to clean up, wash the dishes & pack things away again.  Eggs are .17¢ today.  There was a man out at Henry’s today and left a washing machine there to demonstrate.  It runs by gas.  Leona intends to wash her quilts tomorrow with it.

Sunday, June 1, 1930

Papa went to first mass this morning.  All the rest of us went to late mass.  Henry & family were also here for dinner & lunch.  In the evening we took Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary home and then afterwards came back again.  Steve Rennecker came over for a sack of corn this evening.