Friday, March 21, 1930

It is awful cold this morning.  There was a lady here that wanted to sell waxed paper flowers 3 for .10¢ or 6 for .25¢  We didn’t buy any but they sure were dainties.  Leona, Bobby, Floyd were up this afternoon.  Mr. Jacob Erle came on business.  After he was gone then another lady came and wanted to sell the paper of  “The Little Flower” for $3.00 a year.  Mr. Erle came back again later in the evening about 5 o’clock.  We found 28 eggs today.  Rosalia, Bertille, Aunt Mary went to church this evening.

Thursday, March 20, 1930

Papa, Rosalia, Bertille and Aunt Mary went to Belleville this morning.  We got new dresses and Rosalia and Bertille got new hats.  In the afternoon Aunt Mary and Bertille went to the quilting.  Mr. Tom Heap was here this evening to try to sell some shrubbery.  After supper Mamie & Angela Eichenseer came down here to get Rosalia and Bertille to go up and make flowers by Lena.  Uncle Fred went to Adolph Splat’s to a telephone meeting and Aunt Mary stayed here for dinner and supper all day.  Henry came up in the evening.  We found 26 eggs today.

Wednesday, March 19, 1930

Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Aunt Mary went to church this morning.  Emma Birkner has quilting this afternoon.  Mr. Winters was here this morning from St. Louis trying to sell medicine, Bon a tone and chick tonic for little chicks to cure sickness.  We found 23 eggs.  Mr. Meng asked Papa to take him to Smithton this afternoon.  So he did.  Mr. Meng gave him a dollar for taking him up there.  He wanted to look at some horses.  Leona, Bobby, Floyd were here this afternoon.  Bertille took 2 dozen eggs and got .21¢ a dozen.

Tuesday, March 18, 1930

Ed Parker’s little baby girl, May Martha was buried this morning.  Oscar Birkner was here.  Angela Eichenseer & Lucida was here a little while this afternoon to let us know that they are going to make paper flowers up at the priest’s house this evening.  Tomorrow is St. Joseph’s day.  We found 30 eggs.  Bertille baked cookies this afternoon.  Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went to church to confession, then afterwards Rosalia, Bertille, Mamie Eichenseer went to the priest house to help make paper flowers.  Those others present were Emma Birkner, Hildegard Watchel and Angela Eichenseer and Lena, the housekeeper.

Monday, March 17, 1930

Bertille took 4 dozen eggs & got .22¢.  We planted 3 rows of potatoes today.  Mrs. Rheinecker got 4 dozen eggs from us this evening for her brother, Louis Dehn.  She gave us .22¢ a dozen.  Leona & Bobby & Floyd were here this morning.  The Bishop was to come to Hecker this evening on account of complains for school.  We found 26 eggs.

Sunday, March 16, 1930

Aunt Mary and Uncle Fred had dinner with us.  Henry was up for church, then went home because they wanted to go away.  After dinner we went up to church.  We had lenten service.  After we came down from church, the St. Louis people were here.  Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund Dudenhoefer, Ellen Adams (their niece) & Frank Singer and Ervin Lensinger (?).  They all had lunch here.  Then we all got our picture taken, one on the front and one on the South side by the well.  The men Papa, Uncle Fred and Sigmund, got a picture taken by the chicken house.  In the evening, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back again.  They brought some potatoes up to Brauns store.  Mr. Jake Koch died at New Athens today.  Ed Parker’s little baby girl died suddenly.  We found 31 eggs today.

[editor’s note: To see the above-mentioned photos, click here]


Saturday, March 15, 1930

Papa went to Hagnes sale.  Papa bought a mower.  In the evening, Emil Brand, Aunt Mary, Uncle Fred were here and had a solo game.  Aunt Mary was the champion player.  We found 29 eggs today.

Friday, March 14, 1930

We found 29 eggs.  Bertille took 3 dozen eggs to Eichenseers got .21¢ a dozen.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary went down to Red Bud to Ivo Buehlers birthday.  Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went to church this evening.

Thursday, March 13, 1930

Today is Floyd’s birthday.  He is one year old.  Papa, Rosalia, Bertille & Aunt Mary went out there in the evening.  Those present were: Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodelle & Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Geodelle & family, Uncle Fred.  Lemonade and cake were the refreshments served.  Aunt Mary was at the quilting this afternoon.  Floyd got his hair cut today.  He got 2 pairs rompers and 2 pairs silk socks and 1 pair stockings for his birthday.  Mr. Henry Schneider was here handing tickets around to vote for him as County Judge on April 8 primary election.  We found 29 eggs.  Aunt Mary had supper with us this evening.  We were asked to come to Mrs. Joe Wachtels tonite to help to make paper flowers.  They were going to make lilies.  They made some sweet peas already.

Wednesday, March 12, 1930

Bertille took 3 dozen eggs to Eichenseer’s and got .21¢ a dozen.  Papa is making fences today.  Bertille was at church this morning. We found 26 eggs.  The New Athens Lumber man was here this evening and brought some windows over.  Mrs. Nick Mueth is sick with the flu.