Today is a busy day. The St. Augustine’s parish of Hecker is going to have a picnic this afternoon. Papa & Rosalia went out to Uncle Fred’s to help kill the chickens to get everything ready. We took 3 spring chickens, 2 loafs bread, can peas, lettuce, dressing, 2 cakes, 2 glasses jelly for the picnic. Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were here for dinner we had chicken soup. Papa & Uncle Fred was up in the weenie stand. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed at our house all night. They had breakfast, dinner and lunch with us the next day Sunday.
Friday, May 30, 1930
Today is a school picnic at Waterloo. Papa was up town this morning. Papa has to help to fix up the stands this afternoon. Bertille scrubbed all over. Rosalia baked 2 cakes for the picnic and also 2 loaves of bread. In the evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s & Christ Buehler’s family were there & George Wagner’s family, Fred Armstutz and wife and Mrs. Mike Armstutz.
Thursday, May 29, 1930
Papa & Bertille went to church this morning. Rosalia is out at Uncle Fred’s. After church Papa & Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s for dinner & lunch. Papa & Rosalia went to the cemetery & from there they went to Jac. Mavers he wanted to sell his horses and farm implements. Uncle Fred is feeling pretty good today. He got up this morning and he shaved himself this afternoon. In the evening we all went home and went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lots of company. Uncle Adam & Emil, Willie Birkner’s family, Adam Eckert’s family, Henry Birkner’s family, Bessie Parker, Ino Buehler.
Wednesday, May 28, 1930
Rosalia and Bertille stayed out at Aunt Mary’s. Papa went home, he was at home in the morning, in the afternoon he went to help fix stands again for the picnic. In the afternoon Henry & Mrs. Armstutz & Oscar Birkner were there a little while. They had lunch there. In the evening Papa & Henry & family was there. We stayed all night again. Mr. Ronenberger came a little while. Papa was at Henry’s this morning. Mr. Schneider was there too. Henry sold his gray mare to him for $10.00.
Thursday, May 27, 1930
We washed for Aunt Mary this morning. Papa went home and he came back again for dinner. After dinner Papa and Rosalia went home. Papa had to help fix up the stands & Rosalia had to help scrub the hall for the picnic. In the evening they came back again. There were so many people there that evening. Christ Buehler’s family, Willie Birkner’s family, Louis Birkner, Fred Armstutz & wife & Miss Mary Wagner, Father Grootens, Joe Braun, Frank Birkner & wife & all of us were there. We stayed all night.
Monday, May 26, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. There were quite a few people in church this morning. We washed today. Uncle Fred was kicked by his horse. Aunt Mary called up to told us to come out. He didn’t know what happened, he was unconscious for a little while. We called for Dr. Eckert to come out. He was kicked on his leg and on his side of the face, right by the eye. It is all swoll(en) up. Oscar Birkner was there too. We stayed there for dinner. After dinner Bertille and Rosalia went home and finished washing, ironing. In the evening we went out again. Louis Armstutz and his wife, Mrs. Mike Armstutz and Luisa Birkner were there. Oscar Birner’s wife was there in the afternoon. We all stayed there that night. We was there for supper.
Sunday, May 25, 1930
Henry, Leona & the kids were up this morning they went to church. After church they all went home. In the afternoon Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary came up and wanted us to take them to the basket picnic. So then we all went down to Rittemeyer’s woods. They played drop the handkerchief down there. There sure were a lot of people there. They went boat riding. Marcella Ettling and Alvera Kuhn fell in the creek. Marcella was all wet her hair and dress. She had her Aunt’s dress on. Alvera wasn’t so bad. Karl Boll and a few more pulled her out. The boat dipped and she got underneath the boat. Then they spread the table for lunch. They had all kinds of stuff, everything you could think of. Soda, water, beer, Highballs, lemonade. In the evening we went to church. After church we listened to the music. There was a dance at Kammler’s hall. There were quite a few machines in town. Mrs. Hellmer and her brood were all out from Waterloo.
Saturday, May 24, 1930
Today is Henry’s birthday. He is to be 26 years old. It is also their second Wedding Anniversary. Papa went to Waterloo this morning and this afternoon to the sale at Burksville and one at Ruma. Tonight there is a dance at Adam Braun’s barn, Broad Hollow Grange. There are quite a few. Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary were all at Henry’s this evening. The only ones that were there. We had cake and beer. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to the show. They said it was pretty good.
Friday, May 23, 1930
It rained last night. Papa went out to see Mr. Statterman the man that lives were Julius Ambruster lived. This afternoon he went up to Smithton to August Mueths place, it is getting sold this afternoon. Miss Bertha Wolf of 414 E. McKinley Street died at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. She was only 21 years old, she will be buried tomorrow afternoon. I went to Blackburn school with her. She was born March 24, 1909. The Fahey twins, Stella and Marcella of St. Louis were home Sunday and celebrated their 19th birthday anniversary. Bertille was at church this morning. Eggs are .17¢ a dozen at Eichenseer’s store. Henry & family were up this evening. Henry sold his gray mare to Schneider from Smithton, for $10.00.
Thursday, May 22, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille washed, ironed, patched & baked cookies today. Leona, Robert, Floyd were up this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening. They got a letter today from Henry Keorber to come to a basket picnic Sunday at Rittemeyer’s woods. Tonight there is a Public dance at Nick Schaefers barn. There was a man at our house this afternoon, by the name of Mr. Sparks. He sell the Wayne Feed but Papa wasn’t at home. He was out at Henry’s with a guy from Belleville that wanted to buy a mule or the mare. But he didn’t buy neither one. Uncle Fred and Papa went up to the creamery this evening to see if they could get some cinders. But they couldn’t have none right now, but maybe later on. Aunt Mary was saying Bertha Wolf could die anytime now. She got operated on for appendicitis and now she is awful bad sick. They phoned and left Mrs. Jatho at Hecker. I have noticed Edgar Herzog from New Athens and Miss Luetta Fanke of Lenzburg have their marriage license in the paper today. He is 19 years old and she is 18 years old. They go out playing music together. They play the accordions.
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