Friday, April 10, 1931

Henry & kids came up this afternoon.  Henry went out to see Ignatz Neff’s cream seperator.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came too.  Uncle Fred stayed here with the kids & the rest of us went to Belleville & got spring hats.  Steve Rennecker was here & wanted to know if they could get setting eggs, they want 1 of each kind, so this evening she came over & got them for 15¢ a doz.  Mr. Hill called a telephone meeting here this evening, he & Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker, George Wagner were the only one present.  The next meeting was adjourned until July by H. M. Hill.  Fr. Grootens was here a little while this evening.

Thursday, April 9, 1931

Uncle Adam bought a horse yesterday.  Papa & Rosalia is stretching wire this morn.  Miss Kate McDermott was here to see Papa.  She came up with the bus & then went back on it again.  She also came to see Jac. Neff’s.  Leona called up & said, that her mom, called out & said that Mrs. Geodelle her grandma die last night, & will be buried Sat. afternoon.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, they lawned there grass on their place, & planted out flowers.  It started to rain this evening.  Eggs are 15¢ today.  Wm. Harbaugh got his land, stock, & everything praised [appraised] like the Brauns did too.  Aunt Mary & Bertille were over an looked at Mrs. Rheinecker’s garden she gave me some flowers, Catsus [catcus].

Wednesday, April 8, 1931

Today is Aunt Lizzie’s Birthday.  We painted the top on our Chev. today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon, from here Papa & Uncle Fred went out to see Wm. Harbaugh, then they went to Waterloo.  Aunt Mary, Rosalia & Bertille went out & helped Henry plant his potatoes.  This evening Fr. Grootens called for Papa & Uncle Fred to come there, so Papa went up to see him.  Jac. Erle was here & left a card on the door, because nobody was at home.

Tuesday, April 7, 1931

We washed today.  Henry came up & plowed, & harrowed the potato patch, we planted 4 rows.  He was here for dinner & lunch.  Uncle Fred Aunt Mary came up & brought Henry’s potatoes along up for him.  They were here for lunch too.  Henry & family came up this evening.  Henry went to the Broad Hollow & Hecker Local meeting.

Monday, April 6, 1931

Papa went to Waterloo to the Court House today to hear what the lawyers got to say about the stockholders of the Hecker Bank.  Bertille went to church this morning.  We washed the Whippet this afternoon.  Jac. Erle was here this morning.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Philip Freund were all here this evening, then we all went to the Euchre & dance given by the Catholics.  Adm. as enter 35¢.  Papa had 6 points & got a shawl, & Rosalia 5 points & got a tie, Bertille only had 3.  There were only 8 games played.  The bed spread was won by Raphael Neff, & Bertha Weber, & Marie Rausch got a choice on quilt & lumber jacket.  Eggs are 15¢ today.

Sunday, April 5, 1931

Today is Easter.  Henry & family were here for breakfast.  The rabbit laid the boy’s egg again.  This afternoon we drove out to Uncle Fred’s but there was no one at home, so we drove out past the cemetery, but we couldn’t get in their, the gate was locked shut then we drove back home again.  Then we went to Waterloo, Coxeyville to see Mr. Miester Jr. the fellow that bought our horses, but they sure do look bad.  We came back home again about 3:30.  Papa went up town.  Bill Matzenbacher has a new Whippet, everybody getting new cars.  There was a man here, wanted to buy eggs, but we wanted 20¢ & he wouldn’t pay that.  There was a man here from Belleville & bought 2 doz. for 20¢.  Odillo Eichenseer & Angela drove down here with his car & showed it to us.  This evening Philip & Bill came & then we went along with them to Belleville to a show.  “It Pays to Advertise” was the name of it.

Saturday, April 4, 1931

Papa got crushing done this morn.  Rosalia went to church.  Henry Braun & Willie Braun are getting there land & etc. praised [appraised] today.  Uncle Pete is one of the praisers [appraisers].  Henry & family came up this afternoon, the kids stayed here & they went to church.  The Easter Rabbit laid each of the boy’s a egg.  Benny Schilling has a new Chev. coach, got it from Red Bud.  Odillo Eichenseer got a new Chev. roadster with Rumble seat this afternoon at Red Bud.  There was a man here today trying to sell flowers.

Friday, April 3, 1931

Papa & Bertille went to church this morning.  Henry & Leona went to Belleville & left the kids here.  The rabbit came & laid eggs for the boys.  Leona got a new spring hat this morn. for $1.69 a brown one.  Rosalia finished our dresses today.  There was a lady here, bought 2 doz. eggs for 18¢ a doz.  Henry & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, were all here this evening, we all went to church.  Uncle Fred took care of the boys.  I seen in the Waterloo Paper that Mat Crowe is going to move above Wolf’s Store & Leo Kohler is moving where Uncle Matt lived.

Thursday, April 2, 1931

We all went to church this morning.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for breakfast, dinner & supper.  Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille went to church this afternoon for 1/2 hr.  Uncle Fred went home & come back again for supper.  Papa went to Waterloo today, & from there, too Caldwell’s farm.  There were school kids here pretty near every half hr. today, selling chances on bedspread, quilt, lumber jacket for 5¢.  We took 3 chances.  This evening Henry’s family were all up.  We all went to church.  Uncle Fred took care of the kids.  We heard today that Harry Stiffler was runned away from Gambach’s Store.  The Scheriff [sic.] was out, & also Bollinger the other day.  Henry was up here this morning & got a load of corn fodder.  This evening they took 17 doz. eggs along home to set the incubator again, they got about 125 from the last hatch.  Bertille took 1 setting down to Lizzie Boll’s this evening, got 20¢ for them.  Eggs are 16¢ a doz.

Wednesday, April 1, 1931

Papa is setting posts this morn. – & this afternoon is going out to Henry’s to help him again, haul logs & maker posts.  Rosalia went along too.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here all afternoon.  Aunt Mary, Bertille went to church.  Miss Martha Boll gave us a most pleasant call this afternoon.  Rosalia & Bertille went up to church.