Henry & family, Emil, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where all here butchering today, had dinner & lunch. Hy. Armstutz & Steve where here awhile too. We killed 2 pigs.
Sunday, Dec. 20, 1931
We went to Red Bud Church, went out to Uncle Fred’s for supper, got a tree in there woods. Roy Stauenfbiel & Osie Neff, Edwin Watchel came this evening a little business about his road. Dance at Kammler’s, the egg man paid 26 today.
Saturday, Dec. 19, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in here on there way to Red Bud.
Friday, Dec. 18, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, then we all went to Mrs. Reheis funeral, it was awfully large. We got a written invitation to attend a Birthday Dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill Sat. nite Dec. 19 no name. Ben Heyl’s & Spalt’s had a wreck in town, tore the wheel of Spalt’s machine, while Heyl was turning in to Braun’s.
Thursday, Dec. 17, 1931
Papa working in the woods. We & Henry’s family where all at Albert Cleveland’s this eve. had 2 tables pinochle.
Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1931
Henry & Leona went to Belleville left the kids here. Mrs. Johnny Reheis died this morn. around 1 o’clock, she will be buried Fri. afternoon, she was sick for a time, had cancer. We all went to the wake this eve. stayed till about 12 o clock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where going to stay all night. Ben Kerber a sales agent was here. Papa was in the woods this afternoon.
Tuesday, Dec. 15, 1931
We went to Waterloo this afternoon on business. Papa went over to see Ettling on the way back. Ed Pabst brought us a load of corn. John Braun brought his sow here again. Baked cookies this eve, after supper.
Monday, Dec. 14, 1931
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s butchering, they was there for lunch & dinner, he bought this sow for around 200 lbs. he got it from Pautler 5¢ lb. Eggs are 26¢
Sunday, Dec. 13, 1931
We went to Red Bud church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. Uncle Adam & Emil came, they where here awhile, it started to rain, they went home. The rest of us had a pinochle game. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker came over this evening, then we played 4 games 4 handed pinochle & Steve & Bertille lost every one. We heard Louis Braun broke his arm in cranking a machine, he was sent home from school, now all Phil Braun’s children don’t go to school no more unless he asks Fr. Grootens for permit sometime!
Saturday, Dec. 12, 1931
Papa got crushing done. He went out to Henry’s & to Uncle Adam’s took his scraper back; then he was by Ettling showed him his road, because he plowed a furrow over in the alfafa patch. This evening we all & Henry’s family went over to Uncle Fred’s listen to there radio. We played 5 handed pinochle, Bertille won 1 & Leona & Henry lost, we just played 2 games.
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