Today lent begins. Papa went to church this morning. Rosalia is up again today. Osie Neff moved today in Lutz’s house here in Hecker. Bertille went to church this evening for lent services. It is raining again tonight. We put out cabbage plants out in a bunch today. It is too wet to set them out yet.
Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1931
Leona sent a 1/2 gal. milk along with the milk driver & this afternoon Bertille baked Cream Pies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came down this evening first before they went up to the euchre. They brought our cabbage plants along. There is a lot of cases of measles around now, Adam Eckert’s, Ed Cortners children all have them now. Mrs. Threfall moved a truckload of her things out today, they are going to move up by Darmstadt, they are to be out by Thurs. or’s they have to set them out. The Waterloo Bank has it in it’s hands. Christ Buehler is going to move in just as soon as their out. Today is Elvis Jatho’s birthday.
Monday, Feb. 16, 1931
It started raining all night & all day yet. There is to be a euchre in the School Hall, I don’t know if it will be or not now. We can’t go no how. Bertille washed & ironed today. Papa got the mail this afternoon & took 8 doz. eggs off they are 12¢ a doz. yet. The euchre is postponed until tomorrow night, & the meeting which was to be Tues. night is said off till Thurs. night. Because of the bad weather.
Sunday, Feb. 15, 1931
Papa went to church this morning the rest of us didn’t go. Tonight the Ladies Aid is giving a euchre & Bluey in Kammler’s Hall. There is also one in Tiptown & tomorrow night the Catholics got one. A rush before lent. Schneiders got the measles also. The way they say. Roy Staunebiels kids & Cletus Reagan also got the measles now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Armstutz before the euchre tonight, because we got the measles here. Rosalia is feeling alright but the measles ain’t gone away yet. There were 18 tables tonight at the euchre and Bluey.
Saturday, Feb. 14, 1931
Uncle Fred/Aunt Mary were here a little while this morning & from here they went to Christ Jensens’ sale 4 miles north west of Waterloo & then back again to Mrs. Threfall’s, she is selling household goods, brooder house, farm implements. Christ Buehler’s are figuring coming on that place. We got our Chicago Mail Order catalog today. Adam Eckert’s baby is awful bad sick, it has it in his throat. Tonight is Masquerade Ball at Smithton.
Friday, Feb. 13, 1931
Rosalia is got them spots all over this morning, so I guess in a few days she will be alright again. Papa took 8 doz. eggs off & got 12¢. This afternoon a fellow from Belleville was here & looked at our chickens, he wanted to buy 6 for $1.50 a piece, but Papa wanted $2.00. So he bought 6½ doz. eggs from the White Rocks, selling eggs for 25¢ a doz. We got a Valentine yesterday & today, one from Rosie & Mamie Mueth. Joe Miller from Waterloo got buried the other day, that is Bess Miller’s dad. The transfer of Ben Schilling to Clara Braun was also in the paper. Quernheim’s are going to have their new funeral apartment open on Main St. next Sunday from 9 to 5, everybody should come to see it. Papa took a letter to Chicago Mail Order to the bank this morning. Mr. Pinkel said, he would take charge of it. That he would send it away tomorrow. We send a Valentine to Rosie & Mamie today.
Thursday, Feb, 12, 1931
Abra. Lincoln’s birthday, also Roy Stauenbiel, there is to be a dance there tonight. Rosalia is in bed all day, she has the measles the doctor said “he was here this evening & looked at her. He say’s she is over the worst because they are out now, but she has to stay in bed for 3 or 4 days yet. She had 103 ½ fever this eve. He say’s when you can see spots in the back of the throat, then it is measles. Papa went along with him to the house & got some cough medicine for her. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was up this afternoon. Aunt Mary & Bertille went to the quilting, there were 4 there. Papa took 24 doz. eggs to the store and got 12¢ a doz. Tonight is Literary Meeting in the Public School House. Speakers are Dr. Bock. They also wanted A.C. Bollinger but he called out and said “on account of rain, he wasn’t coming.
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1931
We started fire in the furnace again today. Tonight is a meeting for the people on account of reopening the bank in the school hall. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Rosalia is on the sick list with headaches, colds. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family came up. Henry & Uncle Fred went to the meeting. Leona brought a dress pattern along up. There was a funeral went past here today. The Smithton minister was in the lead. Dashner’s Ambulance & 9 cars following.
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1931
Today is Wedding High-mass for Lena Roth & Elmer Quirin. Rosalia & Bertille went to church. There were quite a few Paderborn people there. His brother & sister were the attendants. The bride wore a white dress & veil & bridesmaid wore a pale blue dress & hat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon.
Monday, Feb. 9, 1931
Today is Thirteen Hour Adoration. Uncle Fred brought Aunt Mary up then he went home. Henry & family were up too. Aunt Mary was here for dinner then they sewed a dress for Rosalia, until it was her hour to go to church. Uncle Fred came up & got her again this eve. Rosalia & Bertille went to church to the closing. There were 3 priests, one was the Smithton priest. Bertille was at Mamie’s to get her dress pattern, & then she went to Ted Eichenseer’s & got it from her. Mrs. Deuker is on the sick list. Ethel called for Dr. Smith from Red Bud this evening. Papa took 12 doz. eggs to store this afternoon & got 13¢ some price.
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