We all went to Belleville this morn. & sold 15 doz. eggs @ .25¢. Henry & Leona went down to Red Bud to the dentist & the kids stayed here this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon. Him & Papa went to Red Bud then to Waterloo. Henry took wheat along down to Red Bud for us, it is .71¢ @ bu. now.
Tuesday, Jan. 20, 1931
We washed today. Anna Braun was here this morning. This afternoon Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here. Papa & Uncle Fred went down to see Anna Braun, & then afterwords went to Waterloo. Uncle Fred bought Anna Braun’s house & buildings in Hecker today for $3,000.00. A note as part pay. Uncle Fred & Papa went over to see Elmer Kammler about the rent. It is $10.00 every month. Papa went down to see Jos. R. Braun this evening. And ordered his license. Jos. Watchel & Mr. Laut are each butchering 1 hog today. Henry told us this morning that Rose Crook “nee” McDermott was buried this morning, she was in St. Clements Hospital in Red Bud, & was pretty bad sick, she had heart trouble. They were just married about a year. Ben Schilling bought Phillip Braun’s property, & Henry Braun sold 2 lots where his buildings are on to Clara Braun. Everybody’s selling & buying now. This evening Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker was here, we played 4 handed pinochle. Steve and Bertille were partners & lost 5 games out of 6.
Monday, Jan. 19, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morning. Papa went up to see Fr. Grootens. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary came back again this afternoon, they went down to Red Bud. They stopped in here going both ways. This evening we went out there to see them. Oscar Birkner came there too. He brought 2 roosters there for us.
Sunday, Jan. 18, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here for dinner today. This afternoon, Philip & Bill Freund came, they were here for supper. Uncle Fred & Papa went to Waterloo to see Archie Wiehle. Then Papa went up to see Fr. Grootens. This evening he went up to Eichenseer’s store.
Saturday, Jan. 17, 1931
It is raining a little this morning. Papa went up to see Fr. Grootens a little while & had a conversation with him. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morn. they stayed for dinner & then they went through Red Bud to Waterloo & then back here again, they were here for supper, after that we played a 4 handed pinochle game, 4 games were played each winning 2 games. Fredie Fritsche was here and wanted to sell seeds for the school. Today was election for telephone operator, Eliza Boll received it again. Mrs. Deuker & Jake Neff had applied for it too. Deukers had 2 votes, Neff 7 votes, Eliza 3 votes. Today is George Boll’s birthday, Karl is sick ever since last Wednesday, he has awful high fever.
Friday, Jan. 16, 1931
Papa isn’t feeling well this morning. Bertille got the mail. In the Waterloo Paper it states that Mr. & Mrs. Matt Crowe have a twin boy & girl at St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis. They now have seven children 4 boys & 3 girls. Rosalia & Bertille went up in the woods this afternoon & got a load. But we had to put chains on & then take them off again. We stopped at Henry’s first. This evening is bank meeting at the new school. Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. The men folks went to the meeting they said there was an awful crowd there. Fr. Grootens was the main speaker & H. M. Hill made a few remarks that Mr. Burkhardt said that he thought everybody would be paid out in full if they gave him time, about a year or so. We played 4 handed pinochle. Bertille & Leona, & Rosalia & Aunt Mary, we each won one game. Then Elsie & Alfred Eckert came & wanted to sell seeds. Aunt Mary bought a package of seed corn. They all left about 10:30.
Thursday, Jan. 15, 1931
Bertille baked cookies this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morning, & then Papa went along with Uncle Fred to Waterloo to see a party there. They were here for dinner & supper. After dinner Uncle Fred & Papa went out to see Wm. Harbaugh, but he wasn’t at home. Then they went to see Jos. Braun & he wasn’t at home. So about 2 o’clock they called him up & then he was at home, so they went there & had a talk with him. Then they went into Waterloo again & then down to see Arma & John Braun. Henry & Leona went to Red Bud to the dentist this afternoon & left the kids here. Bertille got the mail this evening. Rosalia finished sewing aprons. Aunt Mary & Bertille started piecing the quilt together that we started. There was quilting this afternoon at the School Hall but none of us went there. Henry was by Christ Buehler’s today & brought a Red Rooster along for $1.00. The bank is now sealed shut since last Tuesday. Mr. Burkhardt of Red Bud has the book, bonds.
Wednesday, Jan. 14, 1931
It snow last night & is awful cold today. Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went to Belleville this morning & sold 20 doz. eggs & [at?] .30¢. We took 2 1/2 doz. of Henry’s along too. This afternoon Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here. Then they went to see Louise Birkner then came back here again. Papa went up town to get the mail. This evening Steve Rennecker came over then we played 5 games of pinochle Bertille & him were partners & we won 2 games. Rosalia held at one time 1500 clubs Trump.
Tuesday, Jan, 13, 1931
Bertille was at church this morning. Papa was up town this morning. This afternoon him & Rosalia went out in the woods. Henry went too. There were 2 fellows here this afternoon from Collinsville & wanted to buy timber. But Papa wasn’t here, so if he is interested he should send them a letter. Rosalia made herself a apron today.
Monday, Jan. 12, 1931
Rosalia & Bertille washed today. Papa was up town this morning. This afternoon he went out in the woods. Henry & Emil were working there too.
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