Saturday, March 21, 1931

Today is Spring.  But it don’t look much like it, cold, & trying to rain.  We killed a rooster for dinner tomorrow.

Friday, March 20, 1931

Today is the starting of 40 hour Adoration in Waterloo.  Papa went up to the store this morning.  Henry came up with the team today, he phoned a piece, & sowed oats, & plowed some, for us to plant potatoes, it was 3 rows, & he also plowed Uncle Fred’s patch for potatoes, so we planted them too.  Henry was here for dinner.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for supper, then Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille went to church.  Martha Boll has the measles now.  Elgin Eidman died & was buried this afternoon, & also that Janssen in Belleville that killed his wife & himself was buried this afternoon at Freeburg.  Rosalia had cleaning day upstairs.

Thursday, March 19, 1931

We all went to church this morning.  Papa went to Red Bud, & he stopped in at John Braun’s.  This afternoon Papa went out to help Henry in the woods.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon to clean & spade the paths in their garden.  Clifford was here & got a setting of Reds’ eggs for 25¢, eggs are 16¢ at the store.  Henry came up & him & Papa went to the milk meeting in the new school hall.  They also had a milk house on a truck here too, it was 6 x 8 ft.  Mrs. Duecker got a spell again this afternoon, they called for the doctor twice.

Wednesday, March 18, 1931

We all went out to Henry’s.  We took dinner along out, Uncle Joe, Uncle Fred, they came down for dinner.  We helped Leona with the garden, we made the paths & sewed onions, planted 3 rows potatoes, lettuce, carrots.  Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille took Uncle Fred’s machine & drove over there first & Aunt Mary got her coat, & hat, so she could go to church this evening.  Then we drove back home, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for supper, afterwards we went to church.  Aunt Mary & Bertille were over at George Wagner’s a little while.  Today is just 6 years ago of the Murphysboro cyclone.  Ralph Ettling was here this evening.  Martha Boll is home now, she has a bad cold.

Tuesday, March 17, 1931

Today is St. Patrick, there is a euchre in Tiptown tonight.  We are going to saw wood this afternoon up in the woods.  Henry is going to saw it & Uncle Fred, Uncle Joe, & Emil are going to help.  Rosalia & Bertille drove out to Henry’s this morning, we were all out there for dinner.  Aunt Mary was there this afternoon too, she & Bobby went too Uncle Adam’s.  They didn’t get started sawing for wood until about 2:30, before that the pulley broke.  So we will have to finish tomorrow morning.  We have too take dinner out to Henry’s.  Bertille baked a cake this evening.  Bertille went to church this morning, was mass for Aunt Bridget Dunn.

Monday, March 16, 1931

Papa went out to help Henry in the woods again today, he was there for dinner.  Mr. Hill was here this morning, & told us about some pea sticks.  This week is court week, it is today for the stockholders of the Bank.  We washed, ironed, & patched.  Fr. Grootens has Lorberg, Wittenauer’s, Braun’s, trucks to haul each a load of coal for the church & school, today they coal oil heaters in the school room’s for the children.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening & planted their onions in the garden.  They were here for supper.  Eggs are 17¢.

Sunday, March 15, 1931

Leona came up for first mass this morning & Henry for later.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Henry were here for dinner.  Henry helped us test our eggs this afternoon, out of 101, we had to throw 17 out.  This evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s for supper, we had beef roast. Then Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back up here again.  Aunt Mary & Bertille went to church.  Mr. Philip Freund & Rosalia & Frank Kruse & Elizabeth Freund went down to Chester.

Saturday, March 14, 1931

Papa got crushing done this morning, & then he left for Waterloo, & then to Scheiders Sale.  Tonight is a party at Stonall’s.  Mrs. Ettling was by Henry’s yesterday evening & told them & us & we should let, Uncle Fred know, & also Emil.  Perry Laut has the measles now.  Papa bought 3 boards, at the sale today for 5¢.  He said there was such a crowd there, & lot of people from around here.  Frank Birkner is going to start in farming now.  Today he bought harrows, & at McCarthy’s sale he bought 2 mules, frame wagon, drill.

Friday, March 13, 1931

Today is Floyd’s birthday, he is 2 yrs. old, we were out there all day, for dinner.  Papa & Henry worked in the woods.  They hauled our woods together 20 loads we got.  This evening we all went out there again.  Uncle Fred Aunt Mary, Gus Geodelle & wife were all there, cake & lemonade were served.  Eggs are 17¢.

Thursday, March 12, 1931

Papa went out in the woods, he had dinner at Henry’s.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner.  This afternoon is Mrs. John McCarthy’s sale, it is a right nice day, but nobody went.  Aunt Mary went to the sewing circle this afternoon, there were 14 there, it was by Mrs. Eckerts.