Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to pump the water out of there cellar, he made a hole in the kitchen floor to put the pipe on the pump down, he has it all out now. They had lunch here with us. There was a boy here wanted some votes to become a doctor, he had 47 more votes to get, he has to have 2,000 & then he get $500.00 bonus to study, you buy a book or magazine, & it has so many votes, from 1 to 8 vote, that’s the highest, he said Fr. Grootens gave him 7 & Sister Superior, Lela Deuker, that is all he mentioned. We didn’t take none. The butcher Sethl from Smithton was here & looked at our hogs, they are only 5.45 he said. Clara Wagner gave us some flowers to plant out, touch-me-nots. Eggs are 13¢.
Wednesday, May 20, 1921
We cleaned our stove, Kitchen, basement today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch this afternoon this evening, we & Henry’s family went out there, we had pop corn. We planted out flowers today, & gave some to Clara Wagner, Mamie, Leona, Aunt Mary. Uncle Fred’s sewer is blocked up in there house across the street the basement has water in it. Papa went to Smithton & Belleville, to see about selling price on hogs.
Tuesday, May 19, 1931
We are having a nice shower of rain this morning. Eggs are 13¢ now. Jac. Erle was here a little while this evening, he was up at Belleville all day. Papa went to town this evening to find some news, but he didn’t hear much. Bank is about all the news around Hecker these days.
Monday, May 18, 1931
Today is wash & iron day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch this afternoon. Papa went out to help Henry make hay. Emil was also helping. Rosalia Bertille planted tomato plants in our truck patch this evening, we now have 119 down there. Hy. Armstutz was here & got some watermelon seeds that Aunt Mary brought here. He told us about the show people Jackson’s, they must of had a time this morning when they left. The [racial slur omitted] Jake & the Dr. Jake said he made his own medicine, so I guess that means he is a fake doctor, Jake said he would get him arrested this morning yet, he wait till he would get to Granite City. We heard one night he took $67.00. Thats quite a lot.
Sunday, May 17, 1931
This afternoon we started out for a drive & landed at Fort De Chartres & viewed everything there, we made 48 min. Hilda Fritz was the only one we knew there that we seen. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for the show this evening. Bill & Creses came too, we all went too the show. Ben Schilling was here this evening then he came there too Creses along with him. The blanket winners to-night were, Levi Gregson again, & Edwin Reheis. Oliver Birkner was the 8 yr. boy that played the violin with the [racial slur omitted], he played 2 tunes, he was to get 50¢ but that he played 2, I think he got $1.00.
Saturday, May 16, 1931
Rosalia & Bertille went to church & also cleaned. Papa got crushing done & paid George Shilling lumber sawing. We went in to Waterloo to Dan Geodell’s sale this afternoon, bought 15¢ worth, everything went cheap. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon or this evening & we went to the show. The blanket winner was Loyd Pabst. There play entitled was “The driven Daughter.” Emery’s boys & Russ’s boy’s are giving a dance at the Brick House to-night, there is a play at Broad Hollow too.
Friday, May 15, 1931
Papa & Rosalia went down to the truck patch this morning, & this afternoon went out to Henry’s to get a load of oats. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up again this afternoon to work there potatoes. They where here for lunch. Mr & Mrs. Louis Birkner where by them today. We planted our cabbage & tomato plants out this evening. We all went to the show, we took the car, we could see nice from there. The [racial slur omitted] Jake gave Ed. Koehlers boy a 50¢, him & Walter Braun, each had a pan of bread & milk, they had to feed one another with the spoon, the one that ’emptied’ the bowl first was the winner. Emmy Eckert received the blanket. The name of there play was The “Doctor’s Shop.”
Thursday, May 14, 1931
Today is Holiday. We all went to Waterloo this afternoon, we went out to the clump [dump?] pile, but they haven’t got it gathered up yet in town. From there we went around Red Bud home, we stopped in at Caldwell’s House, & at the place where Bozzay lived. We stopped at Red Bud, Papa went to talk with the butcher, & we where talking with Levi Gregson’s family. Bill was here for supper, in the evening we went along to Waterloo, to get Creses, then went out to Coxey to Greatling’s Hall, Mrs. Pete Keim celebrated her birthday there. Henry & family, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Papa went to the show, this evening. Bernice Wagner got the beads, & Ruth Braun the perfume for singing Springtime in the Rockies, Niece Rausch, & another girl each got 25¢. Mrs. Estelle Stovall got the perfume & Bobby set for calling the loudest for her Husband. Wilfred Eichenseer got the cigarette case, he got the most cheers. Leslie Raush also was in that but didn’t get anything. The name of there play was “Crazy Sister.”
Wednesday, May 13, 1931
For once we got a real nice day again. Mrs. Dan Mendal, the barbers wife died & is being buried this morning at Waterloo. Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. We went down in the truck patch this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for supper. They bought a piece of beef & then we had a good supper. We all then went to the show, & always a crowd. There play was Mr. & Mrs. Brown. There is a dance at the Brick House tonight given by the Horse Creek Ramblers, lots of people went there after the show. Eggs are 12¢.
Tuesday, May 12, 1931
They gave beautiful prizes, Bessie Parker got the silk pillow with a slip in candy, Clarance [Clarence] Wittenauer got a bottle perfume, & many others got prizes at the show. We went tonight again they raffled 2 blankets, Levi Gregson, & Hilda Neff were the winners. They also sold candy, & Erma Hepp got the silk spread, Nick Helfrich, the silk hose, & many others, Rosalia got a teaspoon. They sure do draw the crowd, there play tonight was Kitty’s Statue. They sold out on the candy, & there was a blanket left that no one called for, so he raffled that one & Eugene Bruns winner. Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. We washed, ironed, patched, baked bread today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary come this afternoon to work at there place, they where here for lunch & supper, then they went us, to the show. We were by Mrs. Rennecker & got some flowers.
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