Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here. A lady was around selling flowers or trade. Egg man paid 30¢ for eggs.
Sunday, Nov. 29, 1931
We went to Red Bud church. I seen Clarence Hepp’s license in the paper he is 21 & she is 24, they where married Thurs.
Saturday, Nov. 28, 1931
We went to Belleville this morn. Papa went to Red Bud this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary took Josie to Belleville this afternoon, she wants to visit by Faust, then go to St. Louis.
Friday, Nov. 27, 1931
We went out to Aunt Mary’s this afternoon to sugar cure there meat. This eve, they came up here with Josie stayed till 2 o clock, then we had sausage supper.
Thursday, Nov. 26, 1931
Thanksgiving. We went out butchering at Uncle Fred’s today. Him & Papa went over to Chris. Buehler’s to get the hogs, 2 of them for 5¢ lb. Rosalia & Bert took his machine & went out. Oscar Birkners family where also there. We had the first snow this yr. & hard, rain this eve, & colder. We had lunch & dinner there at Aunt Mary’s. The way we heard Clarence Hepp & Lillian Thouevenot where married today & also a couple down at Red Bud, a Ratz girl & Bogard from Belleville.
Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1931
Papa took Jac. Neff out to Henry’s butchering. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie came here awhile, they had been by Chris. Buehler. Mr. Harbaugh was here this evening.
Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1931
It rained last night. There is to be a turkey & goose raffle in the church, or School Hall tonight. We went to Belleville done shopping. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here. Jac. Neff, was here to see about Henry butchering a beef tomorrow. Ed. Parker came & was here till about 11:30, the kids where at the school hall, he came on business. We sold 20 lbs. sprs. at 14¢ at Belleville today. It is turning cold now.
Monday, Nov. 23, 1931
We washed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. This eve, we & them went to Louis Armstutz’s, listened to the radio & played cards. Eggs are 30¢. John Braun brought a sow here.
Sunday, Nov. 22, 1931
We went to Red Bud church this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile. This afternoon we went to Belleville & visited Frank & Joe Hilpert family.
Saturday, Nov. 21, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, he pumped the water out of the cellar first, then they went to Belleville. Henry was up & got his sow again.
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