Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1931

Mr. Harbaught the mineral feed man was here. Aunt Mary got the mail today. Mr. Laut looked at our pond. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Ettling, Henry, Wm. Ganley where digging the pond, they where here for dinner. They worked about 6 hrs, because it rained this afternoon. Ed Meng, H. M. Hill where here & looked at it. There was a lady here, bought 5 lb. sprs. 19¢ lb. Henry lost a heifer. Hon. Fred Kern passed away Mon. morning 4:30, got a parlyitic [sic] stroke. he was Editor of the Belleville News Democrat. Osie Neff & John Meuth had a most terrible accident today, they where crossing a bridge by Frisch korns [?] in Lord’s Corner, with a engine, when the bridge broke, the engine is still in the creek yet. Osie was scaled pretty bad on his leg, the skin was all of & his chest, John Meuth has a hole through his hand & has it in a sling. Osie say’s if it wouldn’t of been that Johny was there he, would still be lieying [sic] there. Gus. Klotz is sick in bed next thing to appendix. He has it in his side. Dr. Schmidt wife of Red Bud was buried this afternoon, she had pneumonia.

Monday, Nov. 9, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry, Ettling, where here digging for a pond, they had dinner & supper, worked 8½ hrs. Eggs are 28¢ today. We called for Dr. Quirin to come out & vaccainte [sic-vaccinate] our pig, the old sow, is starting to get sick now. He charged $10.95, for 10 pigs. Steve Rennecker dug up his sewer today, George Wagner & Louis Dehn helped him. Mrs. Hollerback died & will be buried tomorrow afternoon. Alfred Geodelle’s have a little baby girl. They now have 2 girls.

Sunday, Nov. 8, 1931

We went to church at Waterloo. Then went out to Uncle Fred’s for dinner & supper, from there drove up to Ettling’s, to see if they could help dig a pond tomorrow, then went to see Henry’s & then Uncle Adam’s, to get his scraper. Sig Dudenhoeffer & co from St. Louis where out at Henry’s, awhile yesterday. Rosalia & Bertille went to Kammler’s Dance tonight. Peter Melody’s playing, it was a pretty good crowd.

Saturday, Nov. 7, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up then we went to Belleville & got new dresses 79¢. Mrs. Staunfbiel was here to see Uncle Fred. Papa was up town this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this eve. from there. Rosalia & Bertille went along down to the brick house to a dance, there wasn’t many there so stayed in the machine & then afterwards went home. Wally Henson’s & his cotton pickers furnished musci [sic].

Friday, Nov. 6, 1931

Papa is hauling wood. We cleaned our gardens, dug up the Daliahs [sic]. Lena Meng was here awhile. Vic Eichenseer & a Purina man was here. It froze ice last night. I seen in the paper that infant paraylsis [sic] is a catching disease in Milstadt.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 1931

Today is Bertille’s birthday 17 yrs. old. Papa went out & got load of wood this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up today, he cleaned a little on the sewer in the basement. Bertille went along out with papa & picked hicorky [sic] nuts up. We went over to look at Rennecker’s cistern, Pete Birkner is fixing it, brick cemeted [sic] wall. Henry brought a load of corn this evening. We all & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went out to see Uncle Adam & Emil tonight. Emil is working for Joe Schilling’s shocking corn. Schilling’s have a Chev. second hand brought from Eck, Wiehl, from Waterloo. George Parker’s are building a chicken house. Eggs are 27¢ today. Papa was out at Willie Ganley’s, he lost 2 hogs & some more ready to die, they have the colerha [sic- cholera], he got them vaccaineted [sic], some where sick then already.

Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1931

We baked pumpkin pies, cake, for celebrating Bertille’s birthday tonight. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, Uncle Fred & Papa went to see Hempe’s & Kelley. Aunt Mary & Bertille went over by Mrs. Stauenfbiel we got a slip rosebush from her a pink one. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for supper & this eve. Henry & family came, played cards. Henry lost a little heifer today, Johnson Bro. got it. Tonight is talking movi pictures in the School Hall & Baseball Club has a dance in Kammler’s Hall.

Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1931

We washed, ironed, patched, had beef soup for dinner. We went out to Henry’s got a load of wheat 13 bu. 25 lbs. 50¢ bu. took it too Waterloo, got our Whippet curtains fixed at Gentsch’s, for $2.50, then we drove out by St. Joe & got 7 roosters weighing 32½ lbs. at 15¢. the name is Valerias. We stopped at Henry’s & brought 2 qts. milk along home. Today was election of Co. Comissioners [sic], Kettler & Edler. Kettler was in Hecker, & Waterloo. Papa got a check from Hempe Bro. $30.00. Mrs. Stauenfbiel was here this afternoon but we weren’t at home, she called us up this eve.

Monday, Nov. 2, 1931

Papa & Rosalia went to Henry’s this morn, he is butchering a heifer today, or a cow rather, Osie Neff is the butcher. They had dinner there. Henry & Rosalia went around selling it this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up to plant out rose bushes, then they went to Chris Buehler’s. Ed Pabst was here & brought us 9 bus. big late potatoes. Oliver Birkner was here & got Mrs. Stehfest scale, that she left in Henry’s machine. There was people here from St. Louis that wanted to buy lard, but ours was all sold. Melba Hepp gave a Micellanoues [sic] Shower at there home last Thurs. night in honore of Miss Lidyia Thovenenot who will become the bride of Clarence Hepp in the near future. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here awhile this evening, then they went to Ed Parker’s, he had to furnished musci [sic], it was a surprize [sic] for Anna Marie her birthday. He got $2.00 for the musci [sic].

Sunday, November 1, 1931

We went to church at Waterloo this morn. Henry & family came up for dinner, he went around taking orders, to sell his beef. About 2’oclock they went home. Vic Eichenseer, & Mr. & Mrs. Aug. Stamm from Ellis Grove where here, he wants to buy land, they wanted to go Uncle Freds, we called them they didn’t answer, so from here they went to Freeburg to look at some. We drove to Stringtown, Burksville, St. Joe out to a place where they have all White Rock chickens, we are going to get brooster from there. This evening we drove out to Uncle Fred’s but they weren’t at home. Lizzie Boll had her birthday celebration today it is on the Nov. 3, about 22 where present, they had a big dinner of duck & roast pork.