They tolled the bell this morn for George Neff, he must off died in the night sometime. We all went out to Aunt Mary’s was there for dinner, we picked about 8 bus. apples, sack of walnuts & took them along home, they have so many apples this year. The egg man got 10 doz. eggs 26¢. This eve. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family all where here, they all, except Leona & the kids, & us two went up to the wake at George Neff’s, he was 57 yrs. old. & was laid out so nice, looks natural, there where quiete [sic] a few there.
Sunday, Oct. 18, 1931
Alfred May has his shooting match over again today, on account of the rain last Sun. We all went back there this afternoon, it wasn’t a very big crowd, toon [?] many others. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, they brought some stuff along & we made it here. We were at Red Bud church. Papa went to town this evening. Frank Birkner brought some butter up, so he went up to get it for Aunt Mary 30¢ a lb. Tonight is the last night for show.
Saturday, Oct. 17, 1931
Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s, to help cook apple butter, 15 gals. Henry is sick, bad cold. We where out there for dinner, lunch. Mrs. Geodelle was also there. Papa was at Red Bud at a Stock sale, 85 cattle, they had 2 sale auctioners.[sic] We got the order from Chicago Mail Order. Bertille shoes, & paps cap. Today is Kenneth Kemp’s birthday, the bunch was talking about going there.
Friday, Oct. 16, 1931
The license of Clarence Pabst & 24 & Irene Voges 21 where in the paper, today so a wedding soon. Vic Eichenseer was here & brought 110 lbs. tankage. Henry came up & brought a load of corn. Fr. Grootens was by Joe Watchel’s today. We all went out to Henry’s had apple puling [sic] frolic, Geodells, Gus & Joe & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, they brought a watermelon along, we had that, cake, cookies & wine.
Thursday, Oct. 15, 1931
We cooked a kettle of soap today. Papa & Uncle Fred, went to Waterloo this morn. They had dinner here. This afternoon Papa & Uncle Fred went to Red Bud, got some lumber for a pigs through [sic – trough]. Aunt Mary went down to Armstutz’s took a gal. there to get it filled with foam. This evening they went down to get it. We had 16 doz. eggs for egg man & Aunt Mary had 6 doz. he paid 26¢ today, same as in the paper. Store price is 25¢ & 24¢. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this eve., Henry Birkner’s where there last night & left there records, victrola, what they brought down, so last night we played them all 6 pieces, some of the latest. There was a euchre in the new school hall tonight, but the crowd wasn’t so large.
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1931
Papa went up town this morn. He was talking to Adam Eckert & he says he lost about 31 hogs, every one he had, so he bought 3 from Wm. Naiser. Just everybody is losing hogs, Ben Rausch had his vaccinated & still lost one. Ed Parker lost some vaccinated, Sam Krehress are sick, the truck from Belleville are out everyday getting some in. We washed, ironed, patched today, for once it didn’t rain, we had several showers during the night. Ed Meng was here awhile. Henry & family came up & brought some potatoes along, to cook tomatoes home to make catsup with.
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1931
Today the Farm Bureau & anybody wishing to go over to see the Dairy Show at the Arena in St. Louis went there, they left Waterloo 8 o clock. It rained nearly all day. I sent an order to Chicago Mail & Co. for shoes.
Monday, Oct. 12, 1931
This week there is a Mystic Western Show & vaudeville in Kammler’s Hall, all week, adm. 10 & 25¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, him & Papa went to Waterloo on business. They heard Mrs. Hempe had died & was buried this morn. at Tiptown. Rev. Fr. Beelman also was buried this morn. at Belleville, he was at present pastor of St. at Elizabethtown, & a few years back was at Paderborn. The children of the paraochial [sic] school where dismissed today, on account of Coloumbus [sic] Day. It rained mostly all day. The egg man stopped but didn’t take the eggs today, he had too many, we had 12 doz. for him, so will have to save them for Thurs.
Sunday, Oct. 11, 1931
We where at Red Bud church today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up for dinner. Today Emma Vogler & a Bickhelaupt are getting married. They had a wedding dance at Breezy Hill we where all there. They first gave them a chivarie that is his 3rd wife. Then a wedding march, then the waltz for the couple. It was a bigger crowd than last night.
Saturday, Oct. 10, 1931
Ambrose Doyle’s have a little baby girl christened Doris Jean last Sun. Papa went up town, he brought us a bucket water along, for the premium on dinnerbell butter boxes. Harry Kammler has a confettie [sic] & serpentine dance this evening. Victor Geodelle is giving a birthday dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill, adm. 25¢, musci [sic] by the White Ducks, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & we all went, it sure was a crowd. Harry Kammler’s was a crowd too according to machines. Papa was at George Boll’s this afternoon & settle up with him.
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