We cleaned house the upstairs, this morn. washed curtains. Cooked catsup, baked bread & coffe [sic] cake. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was up this afternoon. Him & papa went down to the Molasses factory to get a gal. of foam for Ronerberg, but they didn’t have any there just then, so he just left the bucket there. Henry & family came up this evening, he also had a 4 gal. crock to take to the factory for foam for Mrs. Geodelle. He couldn’t get any either, so he left the crock here.
Thursday, Oct. 8, 1931
We cleaned the furnace out today. Francis Eichenseer went down with 2 trucks this morning, he has Clarence Pabst driving his old truck & he drives a new one. Bertille went over to Hill’s & paid telephone dues $1.00. He wasn’t at home. Tonight is meeting there. We got 24¢ for eggs today.
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day. They had dinner here. It rained this afternoon. Henry & family came up this evening. Henry went to the milk meeting at the School Hall.
Monday, Oct. 5, 1931
It rained this morn. We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here this afternoon started on Bertille’s dress. The egg man was late this evening, pays 23 today. We made some green tomatoes, cut them up for pickley Lily, cooked tomatoes for catsup. Made pear preserves today.
Sunday, Oct. 4, 1931
We went to Waterloo Church this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile. I seen in the paper that Ed Parker’s have a little baby boy born last Sat. Also Elmer Quirin’s have a little boy. Hecker first team won 2 games, one with the All Stars.
Saturday, Oct. 3, 1931
Today, Mrs. Val Fritsche of E. St. Louis is having sale on the Fritsche farm about 2½ mils [sic] from Hecker, where Joe. Herzog now lives. Also Leo Skaer of Millstadt is having sale, he lives on the Julius Stentcel farm, sale to start at 9 o clock. We all went there. Bertille rode along with Uncle Fred. They had the dinner along, we left there about 4 clock, didnt’ get anything, they had so much to sell.
Friday, Oct. 2, 1931
Leona brought Henry up with the car then went back home again. He was here for lunch, dinner, then he took the tractor home & pap the team, Rosalia went out with the Whippet to get him. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon & put there stove in, cleaned it all out. The transfer is in the paper, selling land to Oswald Neff. The Braun Children bought their farm back again for $4,000.00, that is Henry Brauns farm. Joe Wacthel had his house refrishents [sic -refreshens?] with a new coat of paint, the last few days. The Hoffman Garage was leased by Nobbe Co. into which Nobbe will move Oct. 1. The carpenters are busy this week, tearing down the old frame porch of the parsonage at Waterloo, to which a new one will be erected, & also a garage, which will make things look different. In Waterloo they now park there cars in the middle of the street, that is Main St.’s. Mrs. Harry Wittenauer is at present in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, undergoing treatment.
Thursday, October 1, 1931
Henry & Leona & the kids where all here all day, for lunch, dinner, lunch & supper, they where sewing wheat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. We had 2 spring chickens. Uncle Fred & papa went to Waterloo on business to meet Bestmann’s family. The egg man pays 21¢ today, he also bought a ½ bu. turnips for 30¢. Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille & the boy’s went down to the molasses factory & watched them cook awhile, we got ½ gallon for ourselves for 5¢, & got Henry a gal. for 10¢, foam. Rennecker’s got apple picking frolic this eve.
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