We all went to Red Bud church. The Hecker Priest read Ignatz Neff name off this morning, he signed the paper at Belleville, this week his kids can come back to school if they want too. Osie Neff was here looking for Uncle Fred. Today is homecoming at Floraville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here & then about 4:30 left for the picnic. Joe Hibbert the carpenter & his brother Frank & a cousin was here for a short visit. He was visiting Hecker friends this afternoon. This evening we drove out to Henry’s took them along & went to the basement floor dance at George Freund’s. Adm. 30¢ as enter. Rheinhardt & Skaer furnished musci [sic], 3 pieces. Papa was up at the store awhile & he also stopped at George Wagner’s, she said that her sister Lorenia Merhmann & Orlindo Skaer are getting married next Sat. Sept 26 at Floraville.
Saturday, Sept. 19, 1931
Papa went to Belleville today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up in the afternoon, he chopped his dead trees off across along the highway. Kammler had a dance this evening, but I don’t think it was very crowded not according to the cars parked in this end. Too many other dances this even. – Chas. Sensel’s, Fred Webers dance.
Friday, Sept. 18, 1931
Papa went up town. Today he is supposed to be at Belleville but ain’t going, Ignatz Neff received a letter too, he is going in. Papa went to Red Bud on business. There was a man going around taking orders to sell coffee. I seen in the Waterloo paper that Wm. Heyl’s daughter Ester got married to Hugh Mays last Sat. Mildred Stiffler got, was granted a divorce from Harry Stiffler. Steve was over & looked at our hogs this eve, they walk lame, but eat good.
Thursday, Sept. 17, 1931
Papa is hauling the fresh coal in the basement for this year. He hauled 2 loads this morning. Henry was here this afternoon, he was talking about getting his hogs vacinated [sic], Alf. Geodelle, Joe Schilling have there. There are getting them vacinated [sic] all over. Papa went over by Steve Rennecker’s awhile. There was a gent here selling Oriental Rugs. It is awful hot these days. Odillo Eichenseer & 2 of his friends from St. Louis left last Friday, for Chicago, he covered a distance of 900 miles with his new car. They took a 40 miles ride on the lake on a speed boat. Papa was over at Rennecker’s this afternoon, & Steve he told him, today was his 40 yr. wedding anniversary, so tonight we all went, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry’s family, Gus, Klotz, Adam Brauns, Ed Neff, Gus Frisch, the evening was spent in musci [sic], cake, soda, wine where the refreshments served. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon, papa had to help him, he got his hogs vacinated [sic] Quirin did the work for $8.55. Albert Cleveland Grover where there, he brought theres up to & got it vacinated [sic], he has only the one. The egg man was here, we sold 3 doz. 19¢. A man selling rugs, & one taking pictures of babies where here.
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1931
Papa & Rosalia cleaned the chicken house this morning, then he went up town. He went over by Ed Meng’s awhile. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & Rosalia & Bertille rode along with them to the dance at the brick house, Wiegands gave it, charged a 25¢ from the men, the horse Creek Ramblers played, lot of strangers present.
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1931
We & Aunt Mary went to Belleville today, papa had to testify to Grandpa’s handwriting on Fristche’s will. We had dinner in there, there lawyer was to be there at 10 & didn’t come before 1:30. Mrs. Stauenfbiel came along back with us. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary ate lunch here. Papa went up town this evening. Wheat is 39¢.
Monday, Sept. 14, 1931
Today is a washing, ironing & patch day. Papa & Rosalia are hauling wheat to Waterloo today. Papa got a letter from State’s Attorney Lindauer of Belleville, stating that papa scandaled Fr. Grooten, but it is just the contrary, he should be at Belleville Fri. morning at 11 o clock, papa took the letter along into Waterloo to show it to Whiel. They started working on the molasses factory today, they are going to start cooking soon.
Sunday, Sept. 13, 1931
We went to Smithon [sic] church. Aunt Mary went to Hecker, he was pretty loud again today for being sick all week. Bill Freund was here & gave us an invite to George Freund’s Sun. night for a dance. Wiegands boy’s invited us for a dance at the brick house Wed. night. Rosalia & Bertille went up to see Mamie & Angela this afternoon. This evening we went to see Joe Watchel’s little boy, Papa went over to Wagners awhile. They are chivarie Frank Krolls tonight. Edwin Watchel is giving a dance at the brick house tonight. Gus, Blackburn & Roy Stauenbiel playing musci [sic].
Saturday, Sept. 12, 1931
Papa got crushing done this morning. We all went over to Rennecker’s this evening a while.
Friday, Sept. 11, 1931
Papa is hauling wood again today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up for supper. We went over to look at Mrs. Rennecker’s flower, it opens up & blooms till mignight, [sic] get’s as big as a saucer, then goes shut. Joe Wacthel’s got there boy christened Delmar.
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