Thursday, Sept. 10, 1931

Mrs. William Braun, nee Schilling will be buried today, leaving the house at 8:30, church at 9, then to the cemetery.  She was 35 yrs. old & has 7 children living & 4 dead.  Henry & Leona, Aunt Mary, Rosalia & Bertille all went to the funeral it was a large one, we went to the house, church, cemetery.  Fr. Janssen of Smithon [sic] had the ceremony, he had a wedding in the home first, Frank Kroll got married.  Fr. Grooten is awful bad sick with nervous breakdown.  Papa took care of the kids this morn.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner.  All the Schillings where out today, Jonny, Sam, Gabriel, Martin, Joe, & George, all at the funeral, Degenhardts, Natz, Mosbacher 1 daughters.

Uncle Fred & Papa went to help Roy Staunfbiel get his father’s coping from the cemetery this afternoon.  Mrs. Stauenfbiel was here to see if she could get a ride home from Belleville on the 15 of Sept.  She & papa have to go in to be witness on Val. Fristche’s will, to snigfy [sic] there writing.  The egg man was here again from St. Louis, but we didn’t have any.  Henry & family where up this evening, he paid his threshing bill.

Wednesday, Sept. 9, 1931

Aunt Mary gave us some pickles, & we canned 2 qts.  Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s to help can peaches, 9 qts. & 4 qts. beans, 6 pints pickles, she canned 16 qts tomatoes, got them from Aunt Lizzie for nothing, all real big tomatoes.  We had dinner there.  Papa was hauling wood.  Osie Neff was here & Clifford Stalbber was here & got 2½ doz. eggs @ 18¢.  There a lot of people working at the cemetery trying to help get it leveled off before tomorrow.  Today is Creses birthday 19 yrs. old.

Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1931

Papa is hauling wood today.  The bells where tolling this morn. at our church for the first time, for Mrs. William Braun, she died this morn. around 6 o clock at the Belleville Hospital.  Kock got her from there & took her to Red Bud & fixed her up, brought her home around 1o o clock, Henry & Leona, Rosalia, Bertille, Aunt Mary went down to see her this evening, there wasn’t many people there because they didn’t bring her home till late.  They have 7 children, oldest is 13 & youngest 4.  Joe Watchels have a little baby boy born Sun. 6 Sept.  Lester Gregson’s have a little boy since last week Thurs. 2 [crossed out] or 3 Sept, they christined [sic] it Virgil Lee, Lee Gregson & Agnes where sponsors.  Jack & Willie Ganley & Fr. Grooten where by Hill’s this evening.

Monday, Sept. 7, 1931

Today is pinic [sic] in Smithon [sic], Red Bud & Tiptown.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then we left went out west stopped at Henry’s took some peaches there, then went to Tiptown pinic [sic].  Uncle Fred’s was lucky he won $1 bill & a book of thickets [sic], 5 chances to win, 1st on a washing machine, rug, flour, groceries.  There where a lot of Waterloo people present.  From there we drove to Red Bud, & stopped at the pinic [sic] there, they pumped an inner tube, up til it bust, I believe 45oo lb.  Joe Werts helped to.  We met a few people that we knew.

Sunday, Sept. 6, 1931

We all went to Red Bud church, was home at 9 o clock.  We went into Waterloo to see the parade, it was good, but not much of it.  They had all kind of attractions, also ferris wheel.  We came home about 10:30, we watched them dance.

Saturday, Sept. 5, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then we went up to Belleville, she got a winter hat for 48¢.  Papa got crushing done this morning.

Friday, Sept. 4, 1931

Today Rosalia is 20 yrs. old.  The bunch came & surprized [sic] her, where: Mr. & Mrs. Henry Birkner & family, Henry Brand & family, Fred Papenberg & family, Alf. & Elsa Eckert, Rosalia & Rita Braun, Clem & Elmer, Bessie Parker, Hy. Hillsheim, Odillo & Mamie Eichenseer, Christ Buehler & family, Henry Spalt, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary.  The basement was cleared & dancing begun till 12 o clock, Uncle Fred & Henry furnishing the musci [sic].  Beer, cake, where served.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch& supper.  It is also Mrs. Geodell’s birthday, they had the celebration Thurs. evening.  Fr. Grooten gets in trouble with everybody, Richert was fined $15.00 & all night in jail for having plum wine, Jack Ganley was arrested, cutting the wires on Hillsheims machine & one thing another, lots news in Hecker, in 1931.  But ain’t so claims it.

Thursday, Sept. 3, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morn. & had dinner with us.  This afternoon Henry & family came up, he finished plowing & took the team home.  We all went to the funeral of Mrs. Rittmeyer except papa, she had a pink coffin, & dress, gold ring on & a diamond hair pin, she looked good.  Steve Rennecker was over a while.  Odillo Eichenseer came, he wanted to see our paper.  Mrs. Eichenseer came too so he had to take her to Red Bud to the doctor.  This morning Fr. Grooten’s had Mrs. Pete Watchel, Mrs. Henry Kern, Henry Rausch & Odilo Eichenseer, in Waterloo in front of Bollinger’s in the room, Pete Watchel & Rausch [crossed out by Bertille] paid the expense, as far as we know.

Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1931

It rained all morning, & this afternoon sun shine, Papa was in Hecker this morning talking with some people.  Mr. Joe Grossman, Marshall Hill’s fatherinlaw was buried at Smithon [sic] this afternoon.  The egg man was here, but we didn’t have any.  There is supposed to be a dance at Weigand’s brick house given by them, but wether [sic] it was postponed account of Rittmeyer’s death & mud roads, we never heard, we where invited, but we didn’t go.

Tuesday, September 1, 1931

We ironed & patched & scrubbed the basement, raining all day.  This afternoon Fr. Grooten’s was here & raised a howl about the cemetery, & cursed the whole family, wanted to sue for slander, & nothing to it.  Today the Schools started all over, everybody has the same teacher pretty much hired on there same place, like last year.  It rained all night.