We where at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & papa went out to Louis Armstutz’s quarry & got 85 little fish & put them in our pond; all catfish except one sun fish. Henry & family where here for dinner, then we went to the Evangical [sic] pinic [sic] in Manier’s park, ate supper there, 40¢; they had a nice day & crowd pretty fair. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Matthews of Waterloo, have a little baby girl since yesterday 10½ lbs; she is by Geodelle’s at home.
Saturday, Aug. 20, 1932
Papa got crushing done. There was a man here & wanted to buy eggs, from St. Louis, but we didn’t sell him any. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get some oats. Today is Freeburg home coming. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to spend the evening here, her & Rosalia & Bert [Bertille] went down to Geo. Lorberg’s to get a watermellon [sic], but he had just sold them all in Red Bud & didn’t have no more for sale, so we couldn’t get any.
Friday, Aug. 19, 1932
Papa got some whey. We all went to Waterloo this afternoon & paid up bills, dentist, got a barrel for 25¢. It is so cool these days, & nite. Hy. Kirsh was here to see about some Stark’s fruit trees. he is going to replace them for different ones. Seen in the paper free dance at Breezy Hill Aug. 24. Wed.
Thursday, Aug. 18, 1932
We canned 2 qts. tomatoes & ½ pickles, 1 qt. beets. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day; lawning & cleaning for Sunday. She helped to cut out shirts for Bobby. Rittemeyer the sales agent was around, he left us a sample brush. Mrs. Louis Millman got operated for appendix Mon, she was at church yet on Sunday. Emmet Cowell is awful sick, has pneoumia [sic]. Mr. Gus Grahlherr is pretty bad sick, has awful pains.
Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1932
Papa got some whey. The Catholic Church of Ruma have pinic [sic] today. Burcham was around selling watermellons [sic] from 5¢ on up. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here awhile, they went down to Joe Gregson’s to get some pullets. Rosalia hemmed Aunt Mary’s pillow cases for the pinic [sic], & stamped them ready to stitch. It rained this afternoon. Papa sowed another patch alfalfa the morn.
Tuesday, Aug. 16, 1932
We washed, ironed, patched, cooked catsup, canned tomatoes, pickles & beans. Ben Valentine a deaf & dumb mute was here selling moth tabs for a living, he has a wife & 2 children & lives in Red Bud Ill., his wife is also like him, but his children can talk & hear, he had 2 brothers & 1 sister that don’t hear & talk, we took one for 15¢. There was man here from Sparta selling home grown peaches for $2.00 bu., there were nice, but we didn’t take any. Mr. Jung was here & got 9 doz. eggs. 15¢. Henry & family came up this evening & got tomatoes, the yellow ones, for canning.
Sunday, Aug. 14, 1932
We went to Red Bud. We had chicken dinner by Uncle Fred’s today. Ronenbergs brought them one. Today is fish fry & dance at the Rod & Gun Club. Uncle Adam & Emil came up to see Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, then, Joe & Josie Gregson came but they wanted to come & see us, but being we where over there, they stayed there to, we all had supper. This evening we ate Watermellon [sic]. Seen in the paper that Ed Birke has a baby boy, they have 2 a girl & boy, & also Slyvester [sic – Sylvester] Doyle have a boy, first born. Elmer Kammler’s called there Donald Robert. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laut sponsors.
Saturday, Aug. 13, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed in Hecker all nite & went home this afternoon. They said there was such a crowd at Braun’s, they danced in the barn & about 10 o clock they laid a floor down outside, so many people, the fish got all, people from all over where there. Robert Laut & family came to see us this evening, also Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, she bought a watermellon [sic] from Geo. Lorberg for 5¢, 8½ lbs. an a good one.
Friday, Aug. 12, 1932
Chas. Jung our egg man was here, but we didn’t sell him any eggs. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s took the wagon home & bought some oats along home & caught in the rain, & heavy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch, they where up all afternoon, & for Phil Braun’s floor dance, free & barn also, musci [sic] to be furnished by Ill. Roamers & Jeff Bill. Refreshments of fish & soda & ice cream will be served; rang over the lines everbody [sic] welcome. But we ain’t going. We went to Freeburg & got a roll of wire from Classen. It rained again this evening.
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