Papa went out to help Henry sewed oats, 29 bus. they sewed, he was there for dinner. We washed, ironed, patched, planted 2 lbs. onion sets, radishes, peas & lettuce, made garden. Albert Tomphson was here this evening & got 25 doz. eggs at 16¢ to set, he took it out to Geo. Roths & getting them hatched. Bertille took some flowers up to Mamie for her to plant out.
Sunday, Feb. 28, 1932
We went to Red Bud. We had dinner & supper at Uncle Freds accross [sic] the street today. Mamie & Lucinda Eichenseer where also there a while, then they came over & looked at our little pigs, & chickens, we have 45 chicks now, & 5 little pigs. Aunt Mary went to church & Uncle Fred came over & we played a game pinochle, then they went to Oscar Birkner’s yet, Gilbert birthday.
Saturday, Feb. 27, 1932
Bert Thompson was here & looked at our sows again. Papa got crushing done this morning, this afternoon he went to the woods to mark the trees what Ettling should take for posts & then he went down below Waterloo to a sale, bought 45¢ iron & boxes, single trees & such like. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here & then they went to visit Mike Armstutz’s. They stayed up in Hecker.
Friday, Feb. 26, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. Him & papa went to Waterloo this morning on business. She helped to quilt this afternoon they planted onoin [sic] sets & peas, lettuce in there garden across the street. This evening they came back again & went to church. Eggs are only 9¢ today.
Thursday, Feb. 25, 1932
We all went out to Henry’s butchering today, there for lunch & had dinner at 3 o clock when we finished, had beef soup. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where helping too. He made mostly summer saussage [sic]. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Mamie Eichenseer where here this evening. Eggs are 10¢ doz.
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1932
We washed this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here for dinner, she helped us put our quilt in the frame & helped work on it this afternoon. Papa & Uncle Fred went out to stake Ettling’s road off. Elmer Matzenbacher was here & brought our clover seed, $9.00. Louis Armstutz was here awhile. We went to Red Bud to lenten service this evening.
Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1932
Henry & Rosalia went to Belleville to try to sell his beef & eggs, sold $7. beef & sold 12 doz. of our eggs to the store there for 12½¢. Henry was here for dinner. 5 pigs born.
Monday, Feb. 22, 1932
Washington’s birthday, also Frieda Buehler & Martha Boll. Papa, Rosalia & Jake Neff went out to Henry’s to kill a cow. Rosalia has to stay there while they take it to Waterloo to sell it, this afternoon. She & papa where there for dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up then they took Bertille along to Henry’s, they bought $5.05 & summer saussage [sic] $3.45 & beef $1.60. then they brought Bertille home again, had dinner here. Joe Mueth came over here a little while & looked at our sows. They should all be having pigs & the one of them did, but where all dead. McDermott of Waterloo, & family are now living with Noel & Stella Roscoe down on the farm, work is slack, he is working for Mobile & Ohio Railroad co. Henry brought Rosalia home this evening. Bertille took 9 doz. eggs. got 11¢ doz. at Eichenseers & got the papers. Henry & Leona didn’t sell much beef in Waterloo.
Sunday, Feb. 21, 1932
Raining all morning. We went to Red Bud church. Bill & Mike & Creses, came this afternoon, where here for supper, played 2 games of cards, pinochle each side won one.
Saturday, Feb. 20, 1932
Miss Pinkel was buried at Waterloo this morning. We have 22 little chicks from 2 hens, but them in the basement. Jake Helfrich’s the carpenter at Belleville have a little boy.
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