Papa went up in the woods this afternoon. We went along out to Henry’s & stayed there till he came back, we helped with the ironing & things. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up the evening, she went to church, we played pinochle each won a game.
Thursday, Feb. 18, 1932
Mr. Gabriel Schilling was buried last Monday morning at Dalgreen, the relatives from here went down. Papa went to Waterloo this morning, & also to a bankrupt sale near Coxeyville. Bertille took 3 doz. eggs to the store & got 11¢ some price.
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1932
We washed & hung it in the basement, because the weather is rather disagreeable out. Papa got his hair cut this afternoon. Elmer Kammler said his wife & Mrs. Laut where both down in bed with the flu. Robert Laut paid $400.00 for Wm. Laut’s property here in town. Mr. & Mrs. Laut are already living down in Elmer’s house, they will have sale. Henry was here awhile this evening, he went to Hy. Hepp’s to get some leghorn hatching eggs for 11¢ doz. He say’s the boys have the wooping[sic] cough now. We where going to Red Bud to lent service, but Henry came then made it to later.
Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1932
We went to Belleville with 46 doz. eggs this morning, sold some at 16¢ & 14 & 12¢. Bert Tomphson was here at noon. Miss Armenia Pinkel 30 of Waterloo was killed Sunday afternoon in an automobile accident & her parents Mr. & Mrs. Armin Pinkel retired store keeper was badly injured, but will recover, they where going to Long Beach California to spent sometime with the daughter there, on about 2 mon’s visit, the car ran of the road at Yuma Arizonia [sic – Arizona]. That is what the Belleville paper says.
Monday, Feb. 15, 1932
Louis Dehn butchered over at Rennecker’s today; 2 hogs got them from Ben Rausch. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ettling was here & paid his interest this afternoon. Papa was up in the woods. It is raining.
Sunday, Feb. 14, 1932
We went to Red Bud to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, & played cards awhile then went home. Mrs. Rennecker was saying this morn. that Mrs. Elmer Kammler is pretty bad sick, she has an awful bad cold. Robert Laut bought the old Mrs. Laut’s place & is going to move up to Hecker, when school is out & Mr. & Mrs. Laut are going by Elmer Kammlers, because Mr. Laut ain’t able to word [sic – work] any more, he can’t carry a bucket of water or a armful of wood.
Saturday, Feb. 13, 1932
We sent a birthday card to Josie Keller today is her birthday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry where all here, then we went up to Neffs house to Emma’s funeral. She was buried at Red Bud & also in that church. She was 20 yrs. old. The pallbearers where: Edwin Wacthel, Edwin Reheis, Lester Bruns, Ralph Wiegand, Joe Griffin, Werner Kammler, Quernheim’s undertaking. The baby Ed Jr. is going to stay with Neff’s.
Friday, Feb. 12, 1932
Papa went up in the woods this afternoon again. Today is Roy Stauenfbiel’s birthday also Abraham Lincoln’s.
Thursday, Feb. 11, 1932
It rained last night. We heard this morning that Ed. Neff’s wife died last night, from blood poison & the flu. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & we all went there this evening, they brought her home from Waterloo about 5:30 we stayed till 1 o’clock had supper there. The baby they got christened Wed. morning, Edward Joseph, we heard Ed Parker & wife where the sponsors, it is just about 11 days old. Papa went up in the woods this afternoon, we went along out to Henry’s that long.
Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1932
We went to Red Bud to church. High mass & benediction & station’s this morning. We have the doors & windows open just like spring. Rosalia sewed lettuce along by the house this afternoon. Papa went out in the woods, helped Henry, Emil & Bill was helping too. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for church this evening. We played 4 hand pinochle, Uncle Fred & I won 3 games. They say at the free dance what Fr. Grootens gave there wasn’t many people there, there was a dance out at Papenbergs the same night, Parker’s went there.
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