Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, he & Henry Meng helped papa make hay. They where here for lunch, supper. There was an airplane came from the north & flew around Hecker, made 4 circles, then went backa gain, haven’t heard who it was yet. Seen in the paper Matt Crowe, insurance agent while trying to crank the car broke his arm. Mrs. Benedict of Red Bud also broke her left arm, she broke the right one not long ago, she fell again.
Thursday, June 9, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up had dinner supper, here. Papa went to Armstutz’s got the frame wagon & hauled lumber home from George Schillings. Uncle Fred went along on the first load, he only made 2, 1 in morn & 1 this afternoon. Rosalia took 12 doz. eggs 8¢ & looked at Mamie’s flowers & garden, she gave her some along home.
Wednesday, June 8, 1932
I seen in the paper there where 50,000 people attended the American Legion fair at Belleville Sat. & Sun. It is cloudy again this morn, so more raining coming. Papa went to Hy. Armstutz & got the team & finished cutting hay this afternoon. Then him & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & got the mule. There is a dance at Paderborn Church Hall.
Monday, June 6, 1932
We had wash day. It is awful hot. The School children of the Catholic School had, a play last night. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile, they are working in town today. Mr. Biebel & a truck from Vandalia came this morning & got the other colt, took it over to Meng’s & loaded it. Hy. Armstutz got our rake & brought it back again this afternoon. An eye doctor was around this morning. eggs are 8¢, papa took 12 doz. off.
Sunday, June 5, 1932
We went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile & then went home. They made there Solemn Holy Coummioun [sic – Communion] but the children where to make there private also, but didn’t know it well enough, so it was set of. It is so hot 90 in shade & oats bugs are so bad. Robert Merz & family where here this morn, but he was to late for business. People here from St. Louis bought 17 doz. eggs @ 10¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening to stay in Hecker over nite & work in the garden tomorrow. Clifford said the motor cop caught a car by John Braun’s for reckless driving, the cop had a whistle like an ambulance. There was a big parade in Belleville today, Americian [sic] Legion Convention.
Saturday, June 4, 1932
Uncle Fred & papa went to Waterloo on business this morn. Aunt Mary stayed here, they had dinner here, then we all went to Smithon [sic] to Bernius Sale, bought a few things. This evening we went out to Hy. Birkner’s birthday dance, nice crowd present, cake was served.
Friday, June 3, 1932
Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville to see the Biebel Roofing Co. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had intended coming up this afternoon but it rained. Seen in the paper that there where 1500 people attended the pinic [sic] here Monday & 500 people attended service Sun.
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