Henry came up with a load of corn this morn. This afternoon we went out to Henry’s butchering, started about 2:30 & finished at 9:30, but we stayed till after 12 & had mid nite lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary too, we played 2 games cards. Bertille got a letter today from Josie Keller, she & Miss Kuhn are coming out Sunday morn.
Thursday, Oct. 20, 1932
We took our turnips in this afternoon. The Belleville National Bank got robbed of $8 or $10,000 at noon today. It is on 12 West Main St. Bertille was up town this afternoon, spoke a few words with Mamie & Emil. Clarence Wagner came back here again to Eichenseers today, tomorrow he is going to school up here, he says he couldn’t stay there no longer, he didn’t like it. Mamie is making a quilt somewhat like ours, stitched.
Wednesday, Oct. 19, 1932
Hy. Armstutz was here. Ed Scheinder finished sowing wheat up here this morn. Papa went out & cleared a road in the woods to haul grovel out. Bertille went to the dentist. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile. Those fellows that work on the telephone lines came here, on business. We sold 7 doz. eggs 25¢ to strangers from E. St. Louis, they stopped in. Today is Ralph Rausch birthday 21 yrs. old, Henry is surprising him tonite with a dance at Harry’s. Henry Rausch invited papa & us. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then we all went up to the dance, nice crowds, all different kinds of musci [sic], Ill. Roamer, Karl Boll, Wm. Hy Birkner, beer & cake where served, one cake with 21 candles burning. Joe Hilpert & John Beshtolff of Belleville came here awhile before we went to the dance, they stay here by the priest, are carpeting out on the church place, they are putting new boards around the barn.
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1932
Papa & Rosalia went out in the woods to get a load of gravel. Tonite is Republican Speaking at the Kirsch School in Lords Corner, free lunch & everybody invited. Bertille went up town this evening & then to Rennecker’s to get the papers. The Hecker Catholic congregation of young boys & girls & Belleville’s are having a halloween dance in the hall tonite.
Monday, Oct. 17, 1932
Mr Jung egg man was here & told us about some roosters. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon. Today is Kenneth Kemp’s birthday. Skinny Petri is getting buried this afternoon at Waterloo. Papa fixed a brick wall for flowers all around the house. Clara Wagner & kids came over to see it. George is working out at Ed. Cortners, tomorrow he has to go to Belleville. Uncle Fred went up to see Louis Birkner he is down in bed with rinhmatism [sic – rheumatism].
Sunday, Oct. 16, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile. Mr. Bectholdt from Smithon [sic] was here & got his 6 pigs for $20.00. We went out to George Boll’s to shooting match but didn’t win anything, ducks & geese where raffled. We went to church this eve, talked with Marcella & boy’s Fahey’s. Mrs. Fahey is still awful weak. The St. Augustine’s Parish have euchre tonite. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Birkner are married 3 yrs. today.
Saturday, Oct. 15, 1932
Papa went out to Armstutz Quarry & got a load of chat & lime for our walk for 50¢. Rosalia & Bertille went to Waterloo paid the Waterloo Times & took 24 doz. eggs @ 22¢. Stopped at Henrys. Geodells from St. Louis are coming to see them tomorrow. Mrs. Adolph Petri called out to Hill’s this morning & told them that George Petri Skinny got killed sometime last night or the morn, his machine turned over & he was pinned under, she taught [sic – thought] may be the wheels clocked, they brought him home dead. The Fahey boy said he went out squirrel hunting Fri. nite at 11 o clock & upset in a sink hole & broke his neck. Harry Kammler’s got a dance tonite, muscis [sic] “by the Country Club Orchestra, Adm. 35¢.
Friday, Oct. 14, 1932
We fixed a gravel walk out to the chicken yard, & also brick & filled up around it. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here with us, soup, salmons, sweet potatoes. Papa & Rosalia went out & got a load of gravel. We went out to Uncle Fred’s tonite & got some flowers to plant along side of our walk. We got the Waterloo paper & took it along. Hy. Ronnerberg came a while too. Seen in the paper that Herbert Hill – Chas. Boy & Pearl Fischer, – Hy. Fischers girl where married last Sat. at Nashville, she is 17 & him 19, they live with Chas. Hills. Cyrus Hill have a little baby boy born last Sat. at St. Clements Hospital at Red Bud, they have a boy & girl.
Thursday, Oct. 13, 1932
We cleaned the front rooms & waxed the floors. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, she went to church, & we played pinochle, each one won game, we only played 2 games. They stayed in Hecker, all night. Rosalia got a sack flour $2.20.
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1932
Bertille went up to the Dentist got another treatment put into kill the nerve. Mary Grossheim was also there. Papa went out to Walter Wittenauer & took a bus. of big potatoes along & traded for a bu. of sweet potatoes, big ones. He stopped in at Chris Buehler’s. Henry ordered 30 bus. seed wheat from Buehler. Rosalia went up town got the cream check & can, this time we had 10½ lbs. cream, test 3.9, butterfat 4 & price 180 lb. .72¢. Eichenseer didn’t charge for taking it along this this time. The other time he charged 25¢ to take it along & it was 8½ cream butterfat 3, test 41 price 19¢ lb. .57¢
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