Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1932

We washed, ironed. Papa is fixing us a table for flowers. Mr. Jung our egg man was here, but he only wanted to pay 22¢ so we didn’t give him our eggs, cause there that here in the store. There was a man here from Dupo wanted to sell fish @ 20 lb. we didn’t take any. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this eve, then we all went to the Democratic meeting in Kammler’s Hall. The Prairie Band of 6 piece furnished the musci [sic], Mr. A. D. Riess of Red Bud addressed the meeting, & Mr. A. A. Brands, & Harry Jackson were the speakers, lunch, of beef sandwiches, & soda. About 400 people where there, from all over. Henry was up to, he brought some potatoes here.

Monday, Oct. 10, 1932

We didn’t wash, it is rainning [sic] a little this morn, & is awful cloudy. Mr. Hill was here to gather news this morning. Rosalia sewed a jumper. Bertille went over to Renneckers & got the paper. We took the cream & 41 lbs. hens to Eichenseers this evening. Papa paid Frances Eichenseer for 100 bus. coal $13.00 today.

Sunday, Oct. 9, 1932

We went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, after dinner we went out there, had popcorn & supper. This evening we went to Red Bud to church, rosary devotion. Leona got the boys this morning before church. We ran out of gas going to Red Bud to church, by Steinger, papa called up the Red Bud gas station & they brought out 2 gals. Owen [?] was here wanted to look at the cow.

Saturday, Oct. 8, 1932

Leona brought the boy’s here to stay all night with us. They went to Foster Pond with Goedell’s to a free opening dance, by Henry Clever. Mr. Rippleymeir was here & got the cow & calf.

Friday, Oct. 7, 1932

Henry & Floyd brought a load of corn & got whey. Uncle Fred & Aung Mary where up, planted out flowers. Papa loaded a hog & took it out to Henry’s, he traded with him, Henry got 2 hogs & papa got 8 small pigs. We sold 6 doz. eggs @ 25¢ & 5½ lb. hen, @ 12 ¢, to a egg man. An alarm ring went, said that a truck load of apples selling at 75¢ bu. was coming to the square this afternoon & one that Fred Weber is going to have a barn dance musci [sic], by Ill. Roamers. I seen in the paper that John Cordy of Tiptown is sporting a new Chev, coach, traded his plymouth. Mr. Rippleymier from Waterloo was here & looked at our cow & calf, he bought it, gave papa $40.00 for both, coming to get it tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday, Oct. 6, 1932

Francis Eichenseer was here & looked if he should get here with his truck, he is going to bring a load afterwhile. Papa is going to Waterloo & to Ed. Rehlings to see the building of a straw hen house, he said there were a good many people there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, Rosalia & Bertille had lunch over there. We picked 2 sacks full green tomatoes & they took them along for Ronnerberg. Odillo & Wilfred onloaded the coal, 100 bus. $13.00. Mrs. Kock is having a birthday celebration tonight at Coxeyville, we didn’t go, we had an invitation & it was also in the paper.

Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1932

Bertille went up to Dentist Isslehardt, & got her tooth fixed, relieved the pain, & come back next Wed. morning. Henry Birkner & his wife came too, he got a tooth pulled. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Belleville this afternoon, Rosalia got a coat $9.90, they stayed had a little supper, they bought a liver saussage [sic] at Braun’s, 15¢ lb. Mr. Adolph Rittmeyer was here & him & papa went out to Henry’s to look at a hog. Tonite is a telephone meeting here. H.M. Hill & Steve Rennecker where the only ones present the rest had all payed there dues, there is only 6 members.

Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1932

Bertille went over to Rennecker’s to exchange papers this afternoon. Henry brought a load of corn up this afternoon. Chas Jung got 30 doz. eggs 20¢. Rosalia sewed jumper for papa. Iromme Rapp is going to Red Bud High School started this week. Geo. Pautlis Jr. had a wedding dance at his home last Sat. night, he married Eliza Roberts from New Florence Mo. Miss Frances Doyle & a guy from St. Louis got married last Sat. Papa took the cream up to Eichenseer’s shipped it over to St. Louis to the Blue Valley Creamery have to pay him 25¢ to take it over, we had 8 lbs on our scale. Bertille got the can again this evening.

Monday, Oct. 3, 1932

We washed, ironed. Mr. Becthold & Son from Smithon [sic] was here & looked at our sow & 6 pigs, he bought them 6 pigs, payed $10 down & is going to get them in 2 weeks, he just took the pigs for $20.00, that would be $3.38 a piece. Bertille went over to Hill’s gave them some news for the paper. Angela Eichenseer came home from the hospital today. Henry & Floyd came up after the whey barrels, took a basket green tomatoes along. Papa went up to Eichenseer & got Oscar Birkner’s cream can, it was Uncle Fred’s & he brought it along to the store.

Sunday, Oct. 2, 1932

Perry May has shooting match today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here awhile after church. Louis Armstutz & Elmer Rettinghouse came here to look at our cow. This afternoon we & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left about 1 o clock went to Red Bud, Ruma, Evansville, Ellis Grove, Springdale Park, Chester, drove to the Southern Illinois Penitrary [sic], but couldn’t go through it, only the restroom, see ferns & furs & such like, everything is so nice there. Papa was talking to Snitz Nollau. Then we went to what they call a Menard, where there are about 400 criminals there, walked up 165 steps & down again, to see them, they where out taking exercise & sun baths, seen there laundry, & there yards where the prisoners work; all the rocks got ready to crush; it sure is a beautiful scene. The Miss. River so close, especially went [sic-when] you are so high up you can see the river such a far distance, then we drove up around the river up the big hill,  then back into Chester again, then back home, it was sure a nice drive we covered about 70 miles was home again 5 o clock. We had supper at Uncle Freds. Henry & family came up we all went over by Aunt Marys, across the street. There is rosary devotion at Red Bud, but we couldn’t go, Henry was up they took a 3 gal. crock of bacon along home 38 lb. with crock. There was a bunch 19 from Hecker went over to Walter Deffabaugh in St. Louis on a visit in Clarence Wittenauers truck.