Monday, Aug. 21, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went out washing & ironing at Henry’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up again, Papa had lunch with them, canned 2 qt. tomatos [sic]; gave the rest to Aunt Mary for catsup. We got 10 little pigs born today Aug. 21. Henry had 12 & there all dead sow sick.

Sunday, Aug. 20, 1933

We went to Red Bud. The Evangicals [sic] have pinic [sic] & dance this eve, in Maniers Park. We went up to the pinic [sic] after supper, went to the dance; Koehler’s Orchestra. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where all afternoon. A lady stopped & got 3 doz. eggs 13¢. The St. Louis bunch, was out that is Jake & Irvin & there friends & there was another crazy bunch there, they wouldn’t let them on the dance floor. Adm. 25¢. The quilt was won by St. Louis party.

Saturday, Aug. 19, 1933

Jung was here & paid his debts. A lady around selling vanilla, 3 bottles $1.00, we sent her of [sic – off]. Uncle Joe was here paid Rosalia for threshing $1.50. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Wm. Gregson’s sale, didn’t buy anything; big sale. Ralph Collier was to have his property sold, to but it wasn’t today, Uncle Pete is going to forclose [sic] the mortage [sic – mortgage]. Ralph’s wife is in St. Louis, she is suing him for divorce, it comes of in Sept. court.

Friday, Aug. 18, 1933

Mr. Eichenseer is 65 yrs. old today, the family where going to have Valley of the Moon, over the radio for him. Rosalia & Bert went out to Henry’s cleaned, & baked, washed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here got papa & him & Uncle Fred went in & Aunt Mary stayed by Henry’s. Mr. Walter Coap, Paul & Clem Parker, Oliver Pours left yesterday by car for the World’s Fair. Rusell Gregson & his family went to.

Thursday, Aug. 17, 1933

Rosalia sewed Robert shirt. Papa went to Armstutz’s to see about peaches, but Hy. wasn’t home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up for lunch. It is awful warm again today; it rained a little this morn. Mr. Jung got some old hens here 8¢, eggs 10½¢. Bertille went to Hecker.

Wednesday, Aug. 16, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s, had lunch, dinner, lunch, sewed Aunt Mary a dress. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, they got a check from Dugans & cashed it now, it says insufficient funds, but they can’t locate Caldwell. Rosalia was by Mrs. Rennecker for awhile. Canned 2 qts. tomatoes.

Tuesday, Aug. 15, 1933

Holiday. We went early to church, had dinner, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went along to Belleville all got dress good hats white ones 29¢. Blowed out a tire. Uncle Fred & Papa went into Waterloo in Uncle Freds machine & got new tires for the chev, brought 1, & the other one sometime this week, we took the whip, went out to Aunt Mary’s, till they got back, had supper there, they had lunch here. We got 11¢ eggs. Mr. Jung stopped again, he pay 10½¢.

Monday, Aug. 14, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went out washing at Henry’s, cleaned house & canned tomatoes. Mr. Hill was here gathering news, George Wagner came & got himself a mess roasting ears.

Sunday, Aug. 13, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile. Today is Homecoming in Smithon [sic], so many cars went by getting sisters. Hy. Ronnerberg’s gave a dance last night, Mrs. birthday celebration. Chas. Helfrichs have a party to nite, Loretta & Cornelius birthday; we have an invitation. Hecker bear cats playing Meyers Barbecu [sic – barbeque] today, & Wittenauer lost the game score 15 to 12 in favor of Meyers.

Saturday, Aug. 12, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we fixed 4 chickens, & things for the pinic [sic] & Papa went up to see George Schilling. Henry brought Rosalia home, & Robert went home, he went to the pinic [sic] first with Aunt Mary. Karl Boll’s have a little baby girl since 5 o clock this 9 lbs morn; she is pretty sick, no one alound [sic – allowed] to come into the house for 3 days. It rained & hailed up north terrible, we had a shower, & wind, spoiled the pinic [sic] for awhile. We drove 1 up with the car, after the rain, it was a fair crowd, they got rid of all the chicken & things, we bought cake for 30¢ pies they sold 5¢ a piece. Smithon [sic] Band furnished the musci [sic], the 10 articles where raffled out at 9 o clock, Rich from Belleville won the ft. prize a quilt, lace dresser scarf, Geo. Gresslioem plaid blanket, Ed. Parker, 100 lb. flour F ed Eichenseer; ½ doz. stailes knives & forks, Hamil of Belleville, bed spread, Josie Gregson, pillow cases, H. Becker, pocket watch, Hy. Kirsch Jr. Red Bud, linen tablecloth, Ethel Pour, 5 gal. gas Ed. Coup.