Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lunch here, he helped put up stand for the pinic [sic] tomorrow. Mr. Hill is 77 yrs. old today. Mr. Wm. Ganley was here & paid Int; $33.50, still $1.77 still due. Papa went up to Maniers Park to the meeting, the farm advisor was the main speaker. Quite a few people attended the meeting.
Thursday, Aug, 10, 1933
Schiders putting up hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, she helped clean dishes & things at the school house for pinic [sic] next Sat. In Ruma there is a big pinic today, mass was said out in the woods; lot of cars & priest went down this morning. There was a man here from Kansas trying to sell dry goods, shirts 19¢, etc, he brought some of his dress goods in & showed it to us, $1.95 for 3½ yds, we didn’t buy none, & papa & Uncle Fred wanted to buy sheets, he was so mad, said he had no more time to talk had to hurry & get out so they never got no shirts either; Boy! was he mad. I say he was. Canned 2 qts tomatoes, we have 111 qts now. It rained a little.
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1933
Papa took Rosalia as far as the hills & Henry met her there. Canned 2 qts greengages. Papa & Rob culling manure. Mr. Leo Wittenauer & Miss Katherine Daley of St. Louis where married there last Wed. Aug. 2. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she brought some more greengages, so now we have 13 qts; they where here for lunch. Papa went down to Geo. Lorberg’s sale with Osie Neff; he sold dairy cows, 3 of them, higest [sic] $55 the rest where bought back, & Bruns bought engine, Hinkel crusher & belt; it was a very large crowd, papa said. Mr. Ed Schinder was here, started cutting the hay for second time. Aunt Mary helped to cut Roberts shirt out, & sewed it.
Tuesday, Aug. 8, 1933
Canned 2 qts. tomatoes. Willie Geodell & papa went out to Uncle Fred’s looked at the horses; didn’t buy yet though. It rained a little this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he went out to get Rosalia at the Hill’s; then we all went down to Red Bud to the church pinic [sic], had our supper.
Monday, Aug. 7, 1933
We all went out to Henry’s, & papa went back home, we washed, ironed. Mrs. Cleveland came awhile in the afternoon. It rained a little. Henry brought me home as far as Kemp’s, couldn’t get through the hills no more so I called up home from there & papa got me & Rob. Papa helped Uncle Fred put on a new roof on chicken house, he had lunch, dinner, & lunch, I & Rob, had lunch there. We went to Red Bud took 4 chickens, 12 lbs. & a cake along for the church pinic [sic] tomorrow. Jung stopped got our eggs 10 ¢ doz. Mr. Hill & Spalt & Willie Geodell where all here on business. Spalt to see about telephone lines.
Sunday, Aug. 6, 1933
Papa & Bertille & Robert went out to Henry’s early, took Rosalia along & went to Waterloo church, then came back killed chicken for dinner, 4 of them. Henry went to late mass & brought Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Matthews along, we all had dinner & lunch. Henry & Mr. & Mrs. Matthews took the baby in to Waterloo & got it christened by Father Eschman, called it Lawrence Willis, they want to call it Willis, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodell & Ray where there all day too. Mr. Hill was here to get news.
Saturday, Aug. 5, 1933
Henry & Floyd came up to see about getting to church tomorrow, they are going to christen the baby tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock by Eschmann at Waterloo. Chas. Jung bought 4 dozen roasting ears corn for 50¢ wheat is 80¢ at Red Bud; eggs 10¢. Henry Metze & son of Smithon [sic] where here this afternoon on business. Pierre Laut & Roy Neff was selling chances, in a quilt for 10¢, for the pinic [sic] on Aug. 20 at Maniers Park. There is quite a few sales today, Mrs. Sensel estate is being sold at Waterloo today.
Friday, Aug. 4, 1933
We went out to Uncle Fred’s took a spring along out & brought one back, & also the mule. Henry called up, said one should come out, so papa & Rosalia went, she is going to stay. Mrs. Geodelle went home last nite, & Mrs. Cleveland stayed there & this morning; Robert came along back with papa. We cultivated the pumpkin patch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, we helped clean house, & set things straight again had lunch, there, a watermelon, but it wasn’t very good. Steve Rennecker was here awhile, we all went along home with him to see a flower, Kings of the Night, it will be opened about midnight, it is nice.
Thursday, Aug. 3, 1933
Papa & Rosalia came out to Henry’s to see the little baby, Bertille went along home, again Mrs. Geodelle is there but, she is sick too, the baby has dark blue eyes, & black hair. We all went to Rettinghouse funeral, this afternoon, it was very large. It is awful cool tonite; need heavy blankets again.
Wednesday, Aug. 2, 1933
Canned 8 qt. corn, took just ½ bu. Clara Wagner was here. The road workers started working in town today. Chas. Jung was here bought 27 lb. springs 9¢ lb. A little baby boy was born at Henry’s this evening at 7 o clock, 10 lbs. Dr. Werth’s & Mrs. Geodelle came there.
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