We all went to church, to Mrs. Mueth’s funeral; & rain some thing awful it just poured down; make it awful bad. Papa & Rosalia went along to the cemetery. The church was packed, some standing. The pall bearers where, Joe & George Schilling, Tom Haney [?], Wm. Ganley, Phil Braun, Geo. Parker. Fr. Adyt made a nice sermon; people where here from St. Louis, Waterloo, Smithon [sic], Red Bud & from all over. We went to Joe Wacthel’s this eve, played 5 hand pinochle, 4 games; & raining & dark. Papa went to the annual telephone meeting at Griffin, this afternoon, they came down a 25 on quaterely [sic] dues, it is now 75¢ every 3 mons. the drop tax is still the same $4.00 a yr. Papa had a talk with Al. Geodelle. They say the roads are pretty good for all the rain we had.
Friday, Jan. 20, 1933
Bertille mailed a letter to Chicago Mail Order for shoes & things for Rosalia. Mr. Chas. Jung from Red Bud was here & wanted to buy eggs, but we sold ours yesterday. Mr. Joe Hilpert & a friend was here this afternoon.
Thursday, Jan. 19, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed in Hecker, all night, they came over this morning, & then went home. There was such a crowd there at euchre, 25 tables, she got a apron for prize. We baked cookies this morn. We got ten little pigs born last night. The egg man paid 14¢ for eggs today. We all went out to the wake at Meuth, stopped at Henry’s took him along. There where a few people there this eve, all the girls & Mamie & Rosie. She doesn’t look like herself at all; the teeth is all out of her mouth, & has a gray dress & coffin. Miss Bertha Lother is there ~ working.
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1933
We finished ironing. Papa went to Hecker to order his license, & pay Whip. Ins. It rained last night & pretty much too. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here this evening before the euchre, they stopped at Fr. Aydts first & talked with him. They went to the euchre & pinochle in the School Hall, took a bucket filled with popcorn has a prize. Fr. Stern & cook was up too.
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 1933
We washed and iron & baked bread today. Papa & Rosalia got a load of oats at Henry’s this afternoon. Cyril & Clarence came down this eve, & got each a bu. oats & sack of hay for 300 for there rabbits. Aunt Mary called up this evening, she was quilting at Henry Birkners today. Ed. Meng was over & paid Uncle Freds int. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Reheis has a little boy since Dec. 27, they have now a girl & boy. Mrs. Joe Mueth nee Brocs died at 5 o clock this eve. Papa went to town. Miss Martha Boll of St. Louis called out to Geo. Boll’s & congraulated [sic] him on his birthday. Joe Watchel is butchering.
Monday, Jan. 16, 1933
We were all out at Henry butchering had lunch & dinner. they made 57 summer sasauge [sic]. Mrs. Meuth is awful bad sick in St. Louis, MO. We had awr [sic] eggs at Renneckers today and peddler paid 17¢. [ed. note: entry completely in a different handwriting than Bertille’s. Most likely is Rosalia writing].
Sunday, Jan. 15, 1933
We went to Red Bud. Mrs. Oscar Klotz invited Renneckers to there place for dinner today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. Mrs. Staunfiel was here Sud. [sic- Sunday] afternoon. We and Uncle Fred Aunt Mary were at Louis Armstutz this eve. and we were playing cards. [ed. note: part of this entry is written in different handwriting – believed to be Rosalia’s].
Saturday, Jan. 14, 1933
We went to Jac. Brandt funeral it was largely attended. Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon he got a book from the Times printing office, for agriculture – it is for farmers. Christ Buehler’s are having corn shocking frolic & butchering. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker & George Wagner’s family where all here this evening, playing cards, Bertille had 1500 trump in Clubs & partner 300 pinochle. Harold Wagner’s birthday is today. Henry & Leona went to Belleville & left the kids here this afternoon. 3 little pigs born.
Friday, Jan. 13, 1933
Papa hauled 2 load of wood this morning. Henry brought a load of corn. Uncle Adam & Emil where doing business by H. M. Hill. Miss Magaret [sic – Margaret] McDermott called up & told us that Jac. Brand at Red Bud died & will be buried tomorrow morning at 9:30 to the Catholic Church & cemetery, we should tell Uncle Adam. We did all the cleaning today. Henry Meyer brought a load of corn, that papa bought from him, 26 bus. @ 17¢ $4.52.
Thursday, Jan. 12, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went up to get a load of wood this morning, they got 2 loads. Papa went up to Eichenseer’s this afternoon to sugar cured meat for them, mostly for Vic., he put away 14 pieces for them, 12 bones & 2 bacons. Mr. Tecklenburg was here & got 7 doz. eggs. he only paid 22¢, eggs are coming down he says. there are only 19¢ in the stores here. Henry butchered a heifer yesterday & today took it to Waterloo to sell it. Rev. Adyt was at Eliza Boll’s this evening. Frank Kroll is the janitor, fixing & ringing bells. $20.00 mo.
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