Scheiders are threshing, they finished last nite at the house & moved up here right away this morning, & started threshing 267 bus. altogether, we got 69 bus. they had them for lunch, so they ate here in the dining room. Mrs. Scheinder & Eunice, Carol Papenberg, Cecelia Parker, we had lunch with them. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to help to; had dinner & then went to Christ Buehler’s this afternoon, threshing there. Seen in the Waterloo paper, that Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Doyle have a baby boy & also Mr. & Mrs. Al. Crook first born. Louis Goessling & family, are back again from Nashville, & working on Hecker road now.
Thursday, June 29, 1933
Papa is working corn, they brought the mule home last nite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, had lunch here, he helped papa fix straw stack. Bertille helped them take out some of there onions. eggs are 10¢ today, wheat 83¢ Red Bud. Klotz’s threshing machine started out today, this afternoon. Schilling started couple days ago, thereshing [sic] at Schillings today & tomorrow by Buehler’s. Miss Klinberg of Maeystown spent a few day with Lauts.
Wednesday, June 28, 1933
Today is the big Weddings of Arthur Moehrs & Isabel Kalmer at Tiptown; & dance at Oak Grove, & Sylvester Hellmer, Mamie Mueth at Waterloo, dance at Brezzy Hill. We went out to Uncle Fred’s helped make hay, had lunch, dinner. It sure was cloudy in all corners, but still no rain, out at Schillings it rained, they couldn’t thresh from 3 o’clock on. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Brezzy Hill, stop in at Henry’s. Mamie didn’t get so very many presents at the hall; 4 in all, that we seen; the crowd was just about right, she wore white hat with little veil on it & dress, hose & shoes, flower pink, long sleeves, all satin; & the bridesmaid Aurelia Hellmer wore light green with white hat, & white bow, & slippers, the groomman [sic] Jerome Schilling & groom wore dark suits, Schillings Moonlighters furnished musci [sic], we had fish lunch & sodas then went to Oak Grove, stoped [sic] in on our way home, but boy! was there a crowd there it was awful there, everybody played musci [sic] Keohler’s Orchestra; the bride wore all white, with long veil; double bridesmaids, brothers & sisters from both sides; one wore pink & blue with slippers to match; they played “Home Sweet Home” we left, got home 1:30. We gave Mamie a pair pillow cases.
Tuesday, June 27, 1933
Today is 3 anniversary of Gambach bros. Steve’s Renneker birthday, also Agnes Gregson. Rosalia & Bertille went out washing at Henry’s; had lunch there. We all went out to Uncle Fred’s to help with hay had supper. Mr. Rettinghouse is pretty bad.
Monday, June 26, 1933
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & rode along with us to a sale. Shields by Burksville, everything went cheap, implements all $45.00; cows $5 a piece, horses $303 & 3 mules $30; we went through Red Bud home & brought 100 lbs. flour along from F. Buehler. Bertille took the eggs up 9¢ today. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schilling & Odillo just came back from there trip to Indiana, Odil says everything is so nice there. Frances took the habit on Sun, her name is Sister Edmundina; he seen S. Eith & Achatia, & several others that he knew, 814 miles trip; they left Indiana at quarter after 9, & got to Hecker about quarter to 9. Maniers slot machines got stolen Sat. night, money & all. It was in the paper the surprise marriage of Lela Deucker to Cyrus Holcomb of Freeburg, where wed at Collinsville in the Lutheran church, on May 21, Miss Ethel Dueker & friend where best.
Sunday, June 25, 1933
Jonny Roscow rode along to Red Bud with us. Rosalia & Bertille & Mamie went to the ball game this afternoon in Hecker, this time they lost for the first time so far, playing with Belleville, 2 to 7 & little team played Evansville small team & got white washed 5 to 0. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up from here. They went to the birthday of Mrs. Mike Armstutz; they also had an invitation to Rapps fish fry Ivone’s birthday. The Singerfest of St. Louis had there pinic [sic] at Millstadt today. Miss Hilda Wilhelm & Len Gartz where married at Red Bud at 4 o clock, in the Evangical [sic] church there. Marianna Fritsche was to be flower girl but she wouldn’t do it after they got there; the dance is 4 miles from Darmstadt in Smith Hall.
Saturday, June 24, 1933
Papa got crushing done this morn. Osie Neff was telling him that Bruns are all sick but one, got tyhoid [sic – thyphoid] fever. Roy Gregson of Red Bud had his machine stolen. George Schilling is going to start in threshing Mon, if it don’t rain. There is a big street dance in Chester, Ill. tonite. Miss Frances Schilling is taking her habit today & in two years [words crossed out]; Odillo Eichenseer has to take Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schilling there going to leave today. Misses Martha Schilling & Helen Kectriz left yesterday also for Indiana to take in the performance. Fr. Aydt, is going today to, to be there for tomorrow, & then go to the Worlds Fair; George Wagner & family came over this evening. A lady got 5 doz. eggs 8½¢ & selling fruit jars & bonnets.
Friday, June 23, 1933
We went & hoed in the corn patch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, where here for lunch. It is in the paper today about John Kern shooting Butterweck arm of [sic – off], he is critical condition in hospital. Ed Scheider finished cutting wheat here today.
Thursday, June 22, 1933
We had weed out of garden & corn patch. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile. Our telephone doesn’t ring at all. Wagners either. Henry started cutting oats today. Mamie & Pete where here awhile this evening. Hy. Staleheber came & paid Uncle Fred interest. We went to Belleville in afternoon. A man was here selling grease & stain remover, we bought bottle 20¢, Oh boy & does it do the work, I’ll say it does.
Wednesday, June 21, 1933
Papa took Ed Meng out to Uncle Fred’s to look at there horses. Then he went to Smithon [sic]. Ed Schiender & Wiegand started in cutting there wheat here today. It rained, thunder wind this evening; not so very much rain though.
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