We waxed the dinning [sic] room floor. Mr. Metzger came & paid $65.00 for the mule. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then went to Belleville, & came back here again for supper & brought our glass along what belongs to the dresser. It rained nearly all day, colder this evening. Seen in the paper that on Kaiser & Wittenauer foreclosure, H.M. Hill is appointed as reciever [sic]. Miss Marie Krack was taken to the hospital again in St. Louis. It was in the Belleville paper that Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hepp & Melba & Mildred attened [sic] a miscellanoues [sic] shower given in honor of Miss Lela Deucker of East St. Louis. A boam [sic – bomb?] was sent to Fr. Coughlin & Pres. Roosvelt [sic] again.
Thursday, March 30, 1933
It rained nearly all day & tonite yet too. Today is the 1st years wedding anniversary of Oscar Matzenbacher. We clipped the wings of all our chicks this afternoon & then cleaned the front room, waxed the floor. Chas. Jung our old egg man stopped in this afternoon.
Wednesday, March 29, 1933
We planted 4 bus. potatoes this morning. We all went out to Henry’s took the mule along out. Papa & Rosalia took some wheat along into Waterloo. Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Geodelle & Mrs. Fritz & Hilda came out there too. Bill was working there yesterday & today, sewing oats & today is was to wet, so they shocked corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & her & Rosalia & Bertille went along to church in Hecker & took the pattern along for Levi Gregson’s. Joe & Josie are both in bed, sick with flu.
Tuesday, March 28, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville, took roosters got 6¢ & eggs 9¢; brought Uncle Freds victrola & 42 records along, for a pitcher & bowl. We cleaned the front room, dyed the curtains. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, from here they went to Waterloo to Dr. Pautler & got her ears blowed out. We went out to there place & took the victrola out. It is a most beautiful day. Mrs. George Wagner & the kids came over to see our little chicks; she got 3 moles. There was a lady here from Red Bud, Milly Brown selling hosiery; for men, women & children.
Monday, March 27, 1933
A man around selling all kinds of articles this morn, we bought 3 pairs shoe strings for 10¢. We washed, ironed, patched, made garden, put out onions. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon. A man stopped & took 4 doz. eggs for 10¢ there 84 in stove. There where 3 people here from Freeburg looked at our mule.
Sunday, March 26, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner & supper. Henry & family where also here for supper. A Swap Store man came our from Belleville & looked at our organ, took it along in trade for a dresser. Uncle Adams picture was in yesterdays paper that he will be 84 yrs. old May 6. We went to Waterloo this evening, closing of the 40 hrs. Adoration; Fr. Adyt & Stern & good many other priests.
Saturday, March 25, 1933
Henry came up & got the hog. Papa & Bertille went to Belleville to a sale at the Merchants Transfer Storage Co; 3 different lots where sold, one bringing $75 – $85 – $80. We bought a buffet from the party that bought the lump for $5.00, it is nice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where there too, she got a spring for $2.00; that is all we bought, took 24 doz. eggs along & got 9¢ in part trade. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here; we got a jig saw puzzle of 200 pieces with a lb. coffee & .01 so we took one, boy! some puzzle. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Watchel & family, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laut & family where here this evening playing pinochle; 6 handed. Henry Birkner’s have a little baby girl born this eve. it is also Oliver Birkners birthday it is to be christened tomorrow afternoon, Christ & Frieda Buehler sponsors. They called it Valeita Frieda.
Friday, March 24, 1933
Bobby birthday 7 yrs. old; an a pretty nice day. We had frost for 3 morning already. The funeral of Mrs. Frivegolle passed here then yesterday afternoon, from the Peter Rocider’s residence to Round Prairie cemetery & church. We took the brooder stove down & put it in the chicken house now, & carried our chicks out, we counted 404 that we took out. Bertille got the mail, a letter from Creses. It sure is some funny weather, raining & snowing awful. We didn’t get out to the birthday; to much rain. Cleveland came there.
Thursday, March 23, 1933
It is snowing this morn, but after awhile the sun came out & was a nice day. We shelled corn; cleaned dining room, washed curtains, put our new ones up in there. Harold Wagner was here to sell salve etc, we didn’t take nothing. We went out to Uncle Fred’s tonite got 5 sacks hog potatoes, to give to the chickens. Henry & family where here first, then came over there too. They wanted to take up along in there car.
Wednesday, March 22, 1933
We washed & ironed, cleaned the chick pen in the basement & sprayed it. Henry was up & brought load of corn, there where some guys here to sell fish ready dressed 20¢ lb; we didn’t take any. Papa plowed & harrowed the potato patch this afternoon it isn’t so cold today. Eggs are 9¢ at Eichenseers. A fellow was here trying to sell light plants. It rained heavy this evening.
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