Monday, Nov. 20, 1933

We butchered 1 hog & so did Uncle Fred. Henry & family where all here for lunch, dinner & supper. Henry went home & then came back in evening, played 6 hand pinochle, Aunt Mary had 1500 trump. Mr. Hill was here to get news. George Wagner got 3 lb. sausage.

Sunday, Nov. 19, 1933

Most beautiful day. We find about 1 doz. eggs a day now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to new hard road to Waterloo, did little business, then went to St. Joe, to Hempe’s, to Tiptown Kelley’s. Mcarthy had shooting match. Pete Ganley family was here to get sausage but we had none & wasn’t at home. Frank Hippert & friends were hunting at Henry’s got 10 rabbits.

Saturday, Nov. 18, 1933

Mrs. James Ganley is getting buried, be at Hecker 9 o clock, Catholic church. We went out to the house, Rosalia & Bertie prayed the rosary. The funeral was rather large, had nice bouquet of flowers. Nefphews [sic] acted as pall bearers; were, Willie & Philip Frend, Willie & Jonny Ganley, & Jimmie Brauch. Fr. H. H. Aydt had a very nice sermon. She was the first to be traveled on hard roads, first funeral & her sister Mrs. Brauch, she was the first one on hard road from Waterloo out to cemetery, the people had to walk out, couldn’t drive on it yet at that time. Mr. Jake Mauer of Red Bud age 72 died with a stroke last Mon. evening was buried Thurs. morn. at Red Bud. Uncle Fred is 59 yrs. old. We went out this evening, quite a crowd, Christ Buehler family, Henry Birkners family, Henry Brand family, Ignatz Neff & family, Adam Eckerts family, Willie Birkner’s family, Frank Birkner family, Oscar Birkners family. Cake, & lemonade where served. Pinochle & lotto were played; attendance prize was a plate, Mrs. Christ Buehler, received it, prizes were given to the highest lotto players; crowd left 11 o clock.

Friday, Nov. 17, 1933

Henry & Leona went to Belleville, left Floyd & Billy here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon. Bertille got the mail. Robert Moffit, 78 yrs. age died in Hospital in East St. Louis  on Nov. 9; he made his home with his only son Ed living, was buried Sun. afternoon, Catholic Church, cemetery, Requeim Mass Mon. morning. Mr. Willie Doyle & Helen Reagan where married 8 o clock mass Tiptown Wed. morn. Nov. 15. Miss Agnes Doyle & Austin Reagan attendants, play party was held in evening. Miss Sally Braun daughter of Philip Braun, & Henry Huelsman of Fateyville, engagements announced to wed, was in Belleville paper, but they say it isn’t so. The wedding date has not been said. Miss Cecelia Pour clerk in Eichenseer’s Store, celebrated her 25 birthday Sat. night, dance in Club house; also in paper, who where all present.

Thursday, Nov. 16, 1933

We went to bed, got up at 9:30. Sleepy all day. Oh boy! Clara Gregson’s birthday. Went to bed 6 ‘o clock, tonite Ha! Ha!

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1933

We washed, ironed. Papa went out to Henry’s, talk with the culpert boss. Cleaning chicken houses, putting in clean straw. Mrs. Jim Ganley, (“Liza Otto”) died this morning at 9:30. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went out to the wake, stayed all night, had supper, left 4:30, there was a few more there. Mrs. Schilling & Ben, Chas Kern & sons came after 12 o’clock. Freund boys prayed the rosary. She will be buried Sat. morn. Querheims have the funeral, they didn’t have her away. Rose is sick with swollen head.

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1933

We fried in bacon & sausage. Lena Meng got 2 lbs. pork sausage, this morn. for dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up he took turnips out. Louis Birkner’s birthday tomorrow hers. Mr. Jerome Cortner 23 & Lorena Neff 20 marriage license was in paper, being married at Paderborn this morning. Wedding dance Daabs Clubhouse, attendants Ester Cortner & Eugene Neff.

Monday, Nov. 13, 1933

We all went out butchering at Henry’s, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Emil helped, a pretty big one he killed, to sell tomorrow again. Bertille went to town, got a money order to Chicago Mail Order for shoes for Aunt Mary. Blackburn have a different car, chev. coach, Storall’s a Deluxe Delivery. Elmer Kammler has Harry’s, he got a second hand Chev. Clem Parker has Geo Kuhns ford coupe; & several others got others.

Sunday, Nov. 12, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a little while. Uncle Adam & Emil where here this afternoon, had supper here. Several people called for eggs, we sold 6 doz. 27¢. Some stopped bought liver & pork sausage. Tolin got ribs. George Wagner is hauling wood up today. Wm. Doyle & Helen Reagen of Tiptown where published second time. Clara Wagner & kids, came over, & bought 2½ lbs. pork sausage 15¢. We went out to Uncle Fred’s to put his meat away, sugar cured.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 1933

Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Henry & family where all up butchering. Uncle butchered one here also 215 lbs; they had lunch, dinner, here. Ed. Neff got our Whip. & ground the valves for $2.00 today. “Armistice Day.” Harry Kammler has a dance; tonite. Adm. 25¢ to “Len Kirk & his Missouri Ramblers” playing. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Manier moved there family & household goods to St. Louis, where he is going to start a store. We put fresh sausage & eggs on our sign.