Pop & Rosalia went out to Aunt Mary’s, got barrel & kettles butchering tomorrow. Berti got the mail, Former Farm Advisor, Paul Ewald died. Mrs. Ganley is pretty bad sick.
Thursday, Nov. 9, 1933
Started furnace fine. It is pretty cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, came, Berti went along to Belleville.
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1933
It froze ice last night, even in chicken house. Tonite the St. Augustine’s parish have lotto game. Henry came up yesterday evening, brought the beef along what he had left from selling at Waterloo we took 14 lbs. he sold it at 12 & 14¢; couldn’t sell none here in town, because George Lorberg went around, sold it at 8 & 10¢; Henry sold $26 & still had the hind quarter left. Papa & Rosalia took load wheat to Red Bud. 80¢. Papa & Rosalia went out in the country, pap went in woods, Rose helped Leona fried down beef. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came there & got beef. Ed Neff was here got chicken corp box. Len Mertz & wife formerly Hilda Wilhelm, school teacher, moved into the Gambach property, & will start store, buy poultry & eggs, & sell products of all kinds. Mrs. Gambach moved up stairs, they have two rooms down stairs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came took Rosalia & Berti along to the lotto game in the school hall. Aunt Mary got dresser oil cloth scarf, she got 1 points, 3 of them had 5 points, some 4 & 2 – rest 1; 25 games were played. Then they had a cake walk, had 19 cakes, auction 14 cakes out, the others brought $1 apiece. Large crowd.
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1933
It is awful cold this morn. Rosalia is making mitts. Today is election. Euchre in Red Bud tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to the euchre, Adm. 35¢. Rosalia had 12 points got first prize, a table cloth. Aunt Mary had 10, & got table cloth, the rest were unlucky. Aunt Mary got attendance prize a turkey & she sold it to Schmidt, for $1.00 Miss Leona Vogt won the quilt that was raffled. It was a large crowd. Collinsville men here, wanted railroad ties.
Monday, Nov. 6, 1933
We washed, Mrs. Kurt Boll came here on business, Ms. Ettling is cashing in her insurance policy to pay Interest. There was some kind of court in Public School Hall this morning, for about 1 hr. Homeringhausen & Hill had the case, quite a few people here, from down south. Dorn & someone from Lord’s Corner where having it about dogs killing turkeys, two lawyers Freidrich & Jackson from Waterloo where both here, the case was postponed until next week. Osie Neff was here & got sow & beam scale, Henry butchered a heifer, going to sell it around tomorrow. Acker fruit tree agent was here. Ed. Neff fixed our Whip, Rosalia but [sic – put] the key in & broke it of, he took the piece out again, we had 3 flat tires on there this morn.
Sunday, Nov. 5, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner & supper here. We played cards. Buehler’s family, Cleveland’s family, Henry & family came this eve, played solo & 6 hand pinochle, cake with 19 candles was served on Bertille 19 yr. old birthday. Lady bought 2 doz. eggs 25¢.
Saturday, Nov. 4, 1933
Henry & Leona went to Waterloo this away around, left 3 kids here today for dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Bertille went to Waterloo to Mrs. C. Wischmeyer sale, not much to it, came home on the new, hard road all the way, sure goes nice. Jack Ganley, Pete Reheis were stuck along the hard road. We baked cakes.
Friday, Nov. 3, 1933
Went out to Henry’s butchered, had dinner, took our little one along too Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where, up brought papers this aternoon.
Thursday, Nov. 2, 1933
All Souls Day, went to 6 o clock mass at Red Bud, then went to Belleville, 9 o clock mass at Catherdal [sic], went to the stores, then came home. Henry & Floyd brought load corn. It rained this afternoon, a good shower. Our cistern was dry. It got cold.
Wednesday, November 1, 1933
We went to 6 o clock mass. Went out to Uncle Freds, had dinner supper, beef roast, played pinochle 5 hand this afternoon. Lady selling vanilla.
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