We drove out as far as church lane, then walked up to Henry’s butchering, Emil also helped, they had it scalded, when we arrived; 300 lb. hog, got everything finished before dinner, saussage [sic] in kettle & all, had lunch & dinner there. They took the meat into Waterloo to sell, we took a 13½ lb. shoulder along. We went to Wagner’s this eve. It rained hard.
Friday, Oct. 20, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over then went home, they stayed in town over nite. Papa & Rosalia gathered up those barrels sitting along the streets. We got a battery for the chev, $4.95 with the old one, got it from Ed. Neff. We paper flower pots; did cleaning. In the Waterloo Paper, it gives all the names of farmers & how much wheat acreages they can sew this year; Harold Hellmer & Clara Treasa [sic? – Teresa] Bertram where married at St. Peter & Pauls Church Wed, at 8 o clock; the attendants where Learord [sic? – Leonard] Bertram & Lucine Hellmer, brother & sister of the bride & groom & the wedding also of Lydia Osterhage & Otto Susewind, last Sat. at the Evangocial [sic] church, the attendants where, Lavina Susewind, & Awred, & Clarence, & Adel Osterhage brothers & sisters of bride & groom; going to live with Mrs. Susewind. Hellmers are going to live on Flower St. Waterloo. Miss Mathilda Schilling & Mrs. Slyvester Miller gave Miss Bertram a miscellanous shower, last Tues. evening, prizes where awarded to Eugenia Hellmer, Mouras [?] Schilling & Miss Bertram playing bunco.
Thursday, Oct. 19, 1933
Papa went out to Henry’s walked out he was going to help him put ground on the slab, so he could cross with the tractor, he had dinner there, it rained all morn, so they couldn’t do nothing, went over to Levi Ganley’s bought 2 heifers from him for $20.00, Henry took the one for $11.50 & papa one for $8.50; he came home with McAndrews all the way on the hard road, he rode with them from the bridge on to Hecker. Clarence Wagner came here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for the euchres. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s & then went there to; we didn’t get no prices [sic – prizes], both had 5 points; Uncle Fred got a scarf & she got baby’s outfit. The crowd wasn’t so very large, Miss Elsie Pautler of Evansville got attendance prize, a bed spread. There were quite a few prices [sic].
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1933
We cooked kettle soap, papa got his haircut. We all went out to Aunt Mary’s took our green tomatoes along & ground ours & theirs up for piccali, we got 5 qts; we had supper out there, beef soup. Oh Boy!
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1933
We washed, papa is fixing corn crib. Ralph Ettling was here last Sat., & papa was there Sun, he bought 3 heifers from him for $36.00. Ettling & his family are going to move to St. Louis, in 3 weeks; going to give his horses to Paul Neff to work, cows to Stoval & hogs to Mo. Rosalia & Bertille went to Mamies, then we all went to the school hall to a dairy show & speaking given by St. Louis Dairy, had Ed Parkers barn pictured. The hallways just crowded, people from Red Bud, Smithon [sic] & all over. Mr. Taylor, & Dr. McCullen where speakers; inspector of milk of health department. Kenneth Kemps birthday, & a bunch went out to celebrate with dance & beer.
Monday, Oct. 16, 1933
It rained last night pretty much; & this morning yet; we all went to Belleville, & Freeburg, bought lumber $4.35 from Classen.
Sunday, Oct. 15, 1933
Went out to Uncle Freds had dinner there, then left the car stand by church lanes & walked down the hard road to where they are working by Cleveland’s House, we walked up to Henry’s but no one home there, so went back home again, it started in raining. Harry Kammler has a dance tonite musci [sic] furnished by Mac Ocr. [sic] of Red Bud. Ed Neff traded his old car in for a new one, also Joe Wacthel, R. Stauenfbiel. Ed is building a new garage, wrecked his old one, & putting it up modern. Mr. Peter Reheis got the place from Ralph Collier, known as Whiteside farm, sold on forclosure [sic] sale $7500.00. Mrs. Collier & children are in St. Louis. Mr. Jo. Neff 45 yrs. passed away was buried Fri., sick 2 days in hospital. Mrs. Joe Schilling brother, Smithon [sic] Church, Green Mount Cemetery. Mrs. Neff 86 yrs, his mother lives in Old Folds [sic – Folks] Home, Belleville; he married Lavin Buehler, and have 3 children, all living on farm near Smithon [sic].
Saturday, Oct. 14, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, had chicken soup dinner with us, cleaned the garden & things. All nite dance at Breezy, Koehlers Ors. $4 attendance prize, tonite, 5 wedding ann. Oak Grove.
Friday, Oct. 13, 1933
We cleaned bedroom. Bertille got the mail. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker were here this evening. Mr. & Mrs. John Lippert of North from Hecker, celebrated there 25 Silver Wedding Ann, on Oct. 7 at Daab’s Clubhouse, near Smithon [sic], to which the relatives & neighbors took part.
Thursday, Oct. 12, 1933
Columbus Day. It is cloudy. No School. We went to Belleville came home cleaned house, waxed floors. Papa went to the tax meeting in the Public School, 9 men there. Hill, Rausch, Wiegand Speakers.
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