Made Pumpkin pie. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came we all went to Hornberger’s sale, on Louis Schilling’s Srs. farm, south Burskville [sic – Burksville], bought few articles; met school teacher Schilling, & Mr. & Mrs. Lhad of Columbia. Barry May sale cryer, Vccins Walsh, auctioneer, Maniers have a dance again & music Herzog’s nite Owls; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here; Pete Ganley & family, Weehler, stopped in on a short call, bought 2 hams, & 20 lbs. hens, we have nothing but sausage left.
Friday, Sept. 29, 1933
Bertille is sick, vomitting [sic] & cold. Rosalia got the mail. Clara Wagner & kids came over awhile. Cooked catsup baked today.
Thursday, Sept. 28, 1933
Henry came up at 4:30 got the truck, took it home, loaded hogs, & came back again, took papa along, over to E. St. Louis stockyards, he got work from Hughes, to take them over on Suservind’s permit, government bought. It is raining, & awful dark all day. Clem Parker’s birthday is today 21 yrs old. Henry stayed for dinner. Bertille went over to Renneckers got quilt snowball sun flower pattern, we started the snowball, all little patches.
Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1933
It rained last nite again, every day so far, cloudy today again; Leona’s birthday 23 yrs old. We went out, took basket tomatoes along, those present were, Mr. & Mrs. Al Cleveland, Emil Brand, Gus Goedelle’s family & us, cake. They cooked molasses yesterday, no more there again, it comes in very slow. Mrs. Rennecker said, she was here awhile, we cut lawn, cleaned up stairs.
Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1933
We washed, cloudy. Papa plowed the orchard. The road gang are working in town now, ready for laying slab, as far as Rob. Lauts, 200 ft. each way. Jos. Haudrisch got shot by a Hoffman from Paderborn, accident.
Monday, Sept. 25, 1933
It rained during the night; little cloudy this morn. Martin May is to have his sale this afternoon; we went, through Blackjacks the road wasn’t so bad; we gave Leona 1 bu ½ tomatoes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, brought there lard to Braun’s 5½ trade.
Sunday, Sept. 24, 1933
Eddler from St. Louis was here to see Fred Birkner on business; he went out to see him they where up this afternoon, had supper here. We went to Brezzy Hill to dance, Moonlighter’s played, had a good time. ladies free & also chicken soup, it was hot! Martin Doyles had a shooting match, but not may people there, didn’t raffle a one they say. A negro camp team played Hecker, 1 bear cats; 6 to 7 favor Hecker.
Saturday, Sept. 23, 1933
It rained all nite, & this morn. Papa went to Hecker. Martin May was to have sale today, but I guess the rain spoiled it, we didn’t go; it is still raining a little. We got letter from J. Schmidt, payed [sic] out 9 1/9% from the bank again we got $5.93 this time. Harry Kammler has a dance tonite, Dixie Blue Boy’s Adm. 25¢ each; not very much of a crowd; we went up to Eichenseer’s took it all in.
Friday, Sept. 22, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, took some tomatoes along, & got wheat & milk. We are cooking catsup & pear preserve. The hard road gang are up at Gus Keckritz’s now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. Chas. Jung brought the balance what he owed us. News from the Times, Louis Lenhardt sold his property to Hy. Eichelman Sr, who will now be residents of Waterloo, & Lenhardt bought P & H Lumber Co. house.
Thursday, Sept. 21, 1933
We called in corn this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary cut there. We cooked up tomatoes, for catsup & pulled pears. A man here wanted to sell natural gas, eggs 17¢ here. The nights are awful cool here later.
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