Papa & Rose, strawing the rest of the potatoes. Went out to Henrys got load wheat to feed pigs; then got one took too Red Bud got 58¢. Went to Waterloo & got 57¢, & took another load to Red Bud 58¢. W. Luhr came to look at our chicks, sick; got some medicine to spray with, & tablets for drinking water. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, made little garden. Hy. Keorber was by them all day yesterday. They were at Belleville this morn. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sunmer barber have a little baby girl is now 3 girls. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Olendorph had there boy christened last Sun. Jackie Otto. Mr. Lawrence Berkel of Smithon [sic] shot & killed himself last nite, he was a implement dealer; funeral Sun. his wife nee Siebert.
Thursday, April 19, 1934
Papa & Rose went up to straw potatoes had a blowout. Cool this morning; they had dinner at Henry’s. Pap is hauling lumber home, from Schilling’s. We cleaned basement this afternoon. Papa took Henry’s team home, & we went out to get him; stayed awhile. Eggs are still 13¢. Pete Myerscough of Ruma had a accident in Hecker, by Eichenseers corner yesterday about 4 o clock, smashed telephone post, & iron post & stopp [sic] sign. There were 2 ladies with him, one was driving, she didn’t no [sic] she was suppose to turn the corner there, & turned to short, smashed things down, no one was hurt, the machine pumber [?] was smashed in all the damage that was done; on the car.
Wednesday, April 18, 1934
We planted the rest of our potatoes today. George Wagner came & got the mule & plow, to work his patch up. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, Rose & Bertie went along to the card party in St. Augustine’s School Hall; pretty large attendance. Berti had 2 points & Rose had 4, so we got nothing, Uncle Fred had 10 got a broom. Some nice prizes they had. Mr. Judge Scheinder Waterloo had 11 points won first prize, got bucket & quilt top; & Clem Parker won attendance prize, a krinkle bed spread. Mamie came this morning, Rose set her hair. The lumber man & Ike Napier were here, talk roofing, from New Athens.
Tuesday, April 17, 1934
Town Election. We cleaned house down stairs, all finished now, but the basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] awhile, went down to Red Bud with wheat. 70¢ bus. Pap & Rosi went up to vote. Lester Gregson won by 12 votes & tonite Clifford came & told us that Lester has 1/8 beer in all 3 saloons, everybody should come & help themselves. We didn’t. Ha! Ha! plenty beer; real day for Hecker! Henry came this evening, awhile. Three of our little chicks died. We ate our first lettuce yesterday. We planted 20 tomato plants from A. [Aunt] Mary.
Monday, April 16, 1934
We washed, ironed, patched, cooked kettle soap, finished now. A man was here wanted to buy old gold rings etc, we had none. Lester Gregson was here, electioneering, tomorrow is town election. Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s wanted to haul load wheat to Waterloo, but couldn’t get in the yard so came back again, then went over to New Athens got some cement & nail kegs empty ones, seen Ike Napier over there at the lumber yard where he is working. Nice day. Rose took 21 doz. eggs up. 13¢. Bertille wrote a letter to Kansas, joined in the cake & cookie contest to be over Apr. 30, sent recipes.
Sunday, April 15, 1934
Raining all morning. Confirmation at Paderborn. Mrs. Steiger’s funeral at “Lords Corner.” 99 yr. old lady; she has grandchildren & great & great great grandchildren, she was making her home, with her daughter Mrs. Aug. Voges. Mr. Weigand is now home from the hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Papenberg left by train yesterday morn. to Iowa, to attend the funeral of her brother; who was killed in a accident, they received telegram. No company today rain.
Saturday, April 14, 1934
We cooked kettle soap. Papa went out too Uncle Fred also to Waterloo on business. The baseball club is giving a dance in Waterloo barn tonight, All Buchon’s band. Mr. Marshall Hill of Smithon [sic] have a little baby girl born, at the hospital at 3 o’clock this morning. Papa had dinner out at Uncle Freds. Robert Laut was here, wanted pap to vote for him, school election today, he is running for director. Clarence Wittenauer came to see papa about ball grounds, wether [sic] it was rented or not. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, made garden up here. Ted Eichenseer came down electioneering, him & Lester Gregson are running for town clerk to be next Tues. Robert Laut 30 votes won for school director, Wm Weigand 10 votes was running against him. Thresher boss meeting at Belleville this afternoon. Planted potatoes, at the Irish road.
Friday, April 13, 1934
Mr. Ziebold, retired miller was buried at Waterloo yesterday, awful large funeral, business places were all closed. Papa hauled posts, helped Henry this afternoon to cut some logs & haul. Cleveland helped too. Berti washed Chev. Seeley worked in garden. Our baby chicks didn’t come yet. Mr. Walter Lehr brought them this evening 209 chicks @ 7½. $15.50, all. The new Hospital in Chester which has been remodeled will now be called Riverview Hospital. Mr. Martin May has sold property to Charles & Anna Hasnedle – twp. 4-9-$1500.00. The primary election turned out with the winners Chas. Wehmeier. Dem. Co. Judge & Reb. Judge Scheinder; For Sup. of Schools; Zimmer had 26 votes & Wm. Weigand received 1 vote but wasn’t running; several others ran for Supt. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gruber of Waterloo moved to the farm of Mrs. All. Gregson. Cyrus Hill & family moved to Waynesville Mo. where he has gained a position. Mrs. Steiger, Lena Birkners great grandma died this eve. about 6 o clock, will be buried Sun. afternoon 1 o clock at “Lords Corner;” she would of been 100 yrs. old in May, she was blind & couldn’t hear for a good while.
Thursday, April 12, 1934
Light frost last night, & Boy! it is cold this morning. Papa went to Red Bud got 100 lb. sack chick starting $3.00 from the hatchery. He went out, woods got load posts & hauled them up here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to fix her dress, was here for supper, she got dress goods in Belleville for us, & black what she is making for herself, & a spring coat. Hy. Armstutz was here a little while, to see if he could plant sugar cane on our ground. Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Kammler have a little baby girl 7½ lb. born to them at there home 500 State St. Bellville [sic] Tues. Apr. 10 it will be named Miariam Louise, Mrs. was formerly Edith Montgomery of Cypress Ill; he is teaching Fairview school, on the Belleville & Millstadt road. Eggs 13¢.
Wednesday, April 11, 1934
Papa & Willie Ganley are hauling logs. It rained a little went we came home last night, thundering & lightening, this morning we have northwind & cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, brought some beef along, & we had soup for dinner, they were here & also for lunch. Frieda Buehler & girl stop in on there way home, had dinner here to – stayed till 2 ‘ o clock. Aunt Mary & Bertille went to church this morning, mass for Louise Birkner, all the children went but Willie didn’t go. Louis Birkner went. Always one of the men folks stayed with him every evening. They finished hauling logs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went down to Dr. Pautler’s, at Red Bud. Mr. Ziebold miller of Waterloo died. George Wagner, came to borrowed automobile jack; he wants to change tires on his machine. Some real April Showers, & a pretty rainbow.
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