Papa went up in woods. Willie Ganley is going to haul logs this morning. Started the fire in brooder house, Thurs. our chicks come. Mrs. George Haudrich got operated on appendix & tumor & is in a serious condition in Hospital at Belleville. The Sewing Club of Red Bud are giving a euchre, 500 & lotto tonite in the parish hall. Mr. Emil Rubel was here counted the pigs to see if it corresponce [sic] with that contract. Mrs. Rennecker brought some flower over, dalias [sic] etc. Clara Wagner & kids were here awhile. Gus Frisch came wanted to see if pap was going to vote. Today is Primary Election. We cooked kettle soap, cleaned upstairs. We went to the euchre, didn’t get no prizes. Bert had 8 points but no prizes. Bobby Cowell received attendance prize a small rug. The quilt was won by Mr. & Mrs. Joe Mauer’s youngest child.
Monday, April 9, 1934
Beautiful day. We washed, ironed, disinfected the brooder house. Papa & Rose went up in the woods. Mr. Hill was here. The pallbearers for Mrs. Birkner were, George Parker, Ed Cortner, Nic Helfrich, Ignatz Neff, William Kaiser, J. Kreher. Martha Schilling said a prayer before they left the house; no bells were tolled, being it was Sun; mass will be Wed. morning. Eggs. 13¢
Sunday, April 8, 1934
Aunt Lizzie’s birthday, 59 yrs. she would be. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a while before church. Christ Kerns second daughter was taken to St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis to be operated on appendix, but it must have bursted before they could do anything. Miss Ruth Roscow has lost her mind, she stays by Austin McDermott at present, took a walk the other night, all nite, next morning found her by Nic Mueths with McDermott’s dog in the yard; she may be taken to Alton. It rained this morning a good shower. Henry & family, Mrs. Cleveland, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for supper after the funeral. Papa took care of the kids, the rest of us went. It surely was a large funeral people from all over, nice day, the church was packed, standing in the back & vestibule, largest ever held in Hecker. Fr. Aydt made a nice sermon. Willie he had to go out of church.
Saturday, April 7, 1934
Still cloudy & cooler. Mrs. George Parrot of Red Bud has sale today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came eve & we all went to Louis Birkner to wake, stayed till about 10 ‘ o clock; quite a few people went in & out. She sure does look natural. George Schilling will have 5 masses said for her, instead of buying flowers. Fritz Armstutz brought a nice boquet [sic]; so far the only one. A fruit tree agent was here. Werner Kammler accessor was here; this afternoon.
Thursday, April 5, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went out in the woods took dinner along. It is raining a little this morning. April Showers. They only went as far as Henry’s & brought load posts along back, didn’t go to the woods at all. We got the chick yard all spade over & sewed in oats. Cut the lawn, papa disked the potato ground, but to wet to plant yet. Dan Goedell & family stoped here, thought Leona was up, they wanted to tell her that Mrs. Geodells Dan’s mother died & will be buried Fri. afternoon at 1:30, from the house; she should tell Tom Crowe to let his folks no [sic – know] in St. Louis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at the cemetery & then came here. We all went to the cemetery this evening, took 2 sacks ground along & filled up Louise grave, sunk in a little. Rosalia took eggs up got 14¢, she heard Mrs. Louis Birkner 66 yrs. had died this evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left right away & went up there. Papa was talking to Louis this afternoon, & he said she was getting better, only her eyes & face was all swoll up today, from the medicine, what Pautler gave, he said thats what he wanted, they thought everything was allright; & now she is dead already. Pautler said she had poision [sic] in her & that had to come out. She died on Emma, Oscar’s girls 5 yr. old birthday today. 19 grandchildren.
Wednesday, April 4, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went in the woods; this morn. Ed. Neff has sold his tools to Hugo Probst who is going to start up a garage, Neff quit, he has chicken pox now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & we went to Burksville to Dugan’s Hall, Tiptown congregation was going to give a euchre & dance there, but orders came from the bishop to have it at Tiptown, so they had to take tables all out & take them there, this afternoon first. So we went back home again, looked to much like rain to drive there, went by Waterloo home stopped at Rexs got ice cream, then went home. Some Euchre, Oh. Boy!
Tuesday, April 3, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went in the woods again this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to pay tax; were here for dinner & supper. Papa & Uncle Fred went up to the woods this afternoon with the mule & Henry’s mare, worked fine. Aunt Mary went up to see Louise Birkner awhile, she is worse again, they quit Dr. Eckert now & Pautler from Red Bud. Louie was there today. It was in the Bellville [sic] paper tonite, that suit to foreclose a $4100 mortgage on real estate in East St. Louis was filed in court by Peter Reheis against Louisa Fritsche & Joe Herzog.
Monday, April 2, 1934
Beautiful Easter Mon. We washed, ironed, fried in meat. Today is a funeral at Hecker, Catholic cemetery, Irene Durang’s from Newton, Kansas, ship to St. Louis Union Station at 7:30 & there Gundlach has charge & buried at 9:30 here. Mr. Lester Bruns 29 & Melissa Weigand 27, wedding today; Hosto Parsonage at Smithon [sic]. Rosalia & papa went out to haul wood together. Berti spaded chick yard. We went over to Renneckers tonite a little while. Eggs 14¢.
Sunday, April 1, 1934
Easter Sun. Went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up for dinner & supper. Henry couldn’t come got St. Louis Company, Louis Geodell’s. It rained this morn. 7 Suns. rain. Mrs. Zipel nee Ness, died at Evansville. We played cards this after.
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