We washed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Josie, here for dinner & supper, played pinochle this evening then had midnite lunch 11:30. Josie held 1500 trump twice hand running, & 600 queens & round house all in same game. Bert had 600 queens. Papa & Uncle Fred got Josie’s machine up from Ben Heyl’s, pulled it up behind Uncle’s car. Ed Neff started it today & put in alchol [sic] all for $1.00. Josie took cheese, butter, sausage & things along, Mr. Talbot delivered 5 lbs. here for 22¢ a lb.
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came we butchered 3 hog, had dinner & supper. Josie Keller came just before dinner. She couldn’t get her car startd, so Katie Klotz brought Josie & Ida along, Aunt Mary, Josie went quilting by Cara Armstutz’s this afternoon; it isn’t as cold again today. Red Bud Young People Sodality are giving euchre, lotto, 500; we all went, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Josie, Bertille got lucheon [sic] set, Aunt Mary got dress and gave it to Rosalia, Papa got table cloth. The rest got no thing, the cake was won by Mrs. Oswald. Raffle & attendance prize a ham, to Mr. Hahn of Red Bud. It wasn’t a very large crowd. It is in tonite’s paper, The. [?] Pleuger, 2 miles north of Red Bud 35 yrs. old, residing with his father, shot & hung himself in there barn today, was found 3 hrs. later.
Monday, Jan. 29, 1934
So cold, water froze in bucket in kitchen last night. Rosalia made herself dress like Zita’s pattern. Bertille got the evening paper. It was in there that Mrs. Alva Eichenseer as bride & son Francis Jr. as ring bearer, & Lindow, were awarded 1st prize as wedding couple at Smithon [sic] Mask Ball last Sat. night; & Clarence Hepp & Miss Lillie Brown & Mrs. Roy Kunz were all among the prize winners.
Sunday, Jan. 28, 1934
Went to Red Bud, took Helfrich’s along. We gave Miss Siebold a glass plate for euchre prize; for Tues. evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came; & Josie Keller awhile, then she left went to Ben Heyl’s, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went across the street & had dinner, then came over in the afternoon. Aunt Mary, Rose & Bert went to Mrs. Stauenfbiel & Zita’s & got 2 dress patterns, then we went up to Lizzie Boll’s awhile ordered cooked cheese from Talbots on the Floraville line, 5 lbs. Josie wants to take 3 with here, & we take 1 lb. & Aunt Mary 1 lb. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here. It is awful windy, & cold, freezing right along. Yesterday we could go out side with out a coat, & today just opposite.
Saturday, Jan. 27, 1934
Bertille went to Willie Birkners, took cake up there. It was in yesterday’s paper that Mrs. Francis Eichenseer of Belleville was granted a divorce from her husband Francis, & he will have to pay $30. mo. alimony, to support her & child. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & papa went to the woods. Mrs. George Boll’s birthday today. We all went to George Wagners played 1 cards, 5 hand & 4 pinochle, Bertille had 800 kings, partner Rosalia had 100 aces, melted 10, 40 in 4 hand game; cake was served.
Friday, Jan. 26, 1934
Pap went to Hecker. Vic Eichenseer came & fixed our pump at the straw shed. the E. W. A. roadworkers started again today, only work 15 hrs. week. Seven were fired, & 4 new ones put on, they are Chas. Helfrich, Hy. Brown, Philip Jatho, Osie Neff put on, & those fired, where Robert Laut, Hecker & 2 guys from Waterloo. Meyer’s, Hy. Emery, Bill Sensel. Rosalia went after the mail. Pierre Laut was here yesterday evening, said we could come & help quilt this afternoon; Rosalia went; Mrs. Rennecker, Mrs. George Kammler were the quilters for today. It is sun burst quilt they had lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up awhile this afternoon. We had cooked cheese from Mertz store, lb. Adam Eckert’s butter; all was good. This evening we went out to Uncle Freds, Aunt Mary’s 57 birthday, cake & orangeade was served to the following: Mrs. Oscar Birkners family, Frank Birkner’s family, Christ Buehler’s family, Wm. Birkner’s family, Miss Josie Keller, Pinochle & lotto was played by the kids, got prizes; Frieda got attendance prize again. Miss Josie spent the day by Lizzie Boll’s.
Thursday, Jan. 25, 1934
Henry & family came, they went to Bellville [sic] & kids stayed here. Mr. Henry Meng was here paid for his hogs. 207-179 @ $3.70. A man was around taking orders for the New Democrat, $5.00 yr. with a premium, salt & pepper shaker, flour, & sugar, & dripping bowl; we ordered it for 1 yr. A boy around had suit case full of things to sell, all kind of articles, we bought bottle of iodine from him for a dime. We went to Renneckers awhile this evening. Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fritsche also came; we played 4 hand pinochle; Mr. Fritsche & papa partners won 2 games out of seven; wine & apples were served.
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 1934
Mr. L. Kammler, Romen Meng & Henry Meng got a 2 hogs 207-179 lbs. for Meng. Louis Dehn came last night & paid his hog, 216 lbs. @ $3.70, up again since Mon. Bertille got a money order, & sent it of [sic – off] for the process tax on hogs. Papa & Bertille went to Smithon [sic], took the rest of the gold in, had to pay 75¢ to get sent away. Geodelle the bread man came, we didn’t order none. Papa went down to Ed. Pabsts, he wants to make lumber logs from our woods.
Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1934
We washed. Hy. Meng came ordered 2 hogs for tomorrow. Louis Dehns & Steve got there this morning 216 lbs. George Wagner came & paid for his 351 lbs @ $3.45, they came down again. We [gave] George our price [sic – prize] for the euchre tonite, a glass plate, he take it down to Bill Fritsche who is on the prize committee. Firemen’s Euchre tonite, in School Hall; also pinochle, lotto, Adm. 25¢, attendant prize. 25 lb. sack flour, was won by Elmer Kammler. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon. Uncle went to Red Bud. Papa went to Wagner’s helped sugar cure meat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, then we all went to the euchre. Bertille had 9 points, got art linen table cloth. Aunt Mary 9, got deck cards, the rest of the folks, didn’t get no prize; an awful large crowd, all the table filled; & nice prices [sic]. People from neighboring cities. George Wagner & Steve Rennecker, signed the paper for pap process for tax.
Monday, Jan. 22, 1934
George Wagner & Hy. Armstutz got hog this morn. Miss Ida Sommer 26 yrs. old died of inflamatory rheumatism will be buried this afternoon at Waterloo, she is Fred Miller’s & uncle, only near relative, she has several houses, made a will about 2 weeks before she died. Steve Rennecker, was over to see if he could get a hog for Louis Dehn; he wants to butcher tomorrow, got our larrd. Gus Eocler of Wallace St. Louis Mo. was here on business for Uncle Fred, he bought the Coldwell Place, near Burksville. It sure did rain & hail as large a moth boll this morn, & sun shine the rest of the day. Miss Josie Keller, wen to Ben Heyl’s for the rest of the week there. Mr. Henry Hecke of Red Bud is being buried tomorrow afternoon in Round Prairie Cemetery. Pop went to Meng’s.
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