Took Chas. Helfrich’s along to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie where here for dinner & supper, & midnight lunch. Levi Gregson came & paid for his hogs, 239 lbs. & 236 lbs. @ $3.65. Henry & family where up this afternoon, had supper, played some cards all day & nite till 12′ o clock. Mr. Ed Meng was here to see Uncle Fred. They say Fr. Aydt read of the report this morn, $11,000 debts. The Young people of Red Bud are going to have Bible class, every first Thurs. evening of the mo. It rained a little. Mr. Clarence Mohears & girl of Renault, are getting married wedding dance at Oak Grove.
Saturday, Jan. 20, 1934
Papa got crushing done. Ben Schilling brought clover seed. Geodelle the bread man stops here now. We went to Bellville [sic] this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie were butchering by Adam Eckerts, stop in on there way home. This evening went out to Uncle Fred’s took them all along & went to Hy. Ronnenberg to Luella’s 18 yrs. old birthday, & what a time, musci [sic] was furnished by Birkner’s, & Evansville boy’s, Kaemper & Wunderlich, with guitar & violin. Beer, wine, root beer & chicken soup; it sure was good; Evansville people Jerry Kissel & his wife had a quarrel, & also his daughter & her husband, all were feeling good; lots to drink. We came home about 2:30 this morn.
Thursday, Jan. 18, 1934
Levi Gregson got 2 hogs this morn. Emil & Bert Tompson helped. We washed with the machine today. Mr. Joe Watchel came & paid for his hog, 195 lbs. @ $3.50. $6.85. Papa paid the Chev. Insurance, & ordered license $21.00 this year. Henry came up & him & papa went to Chas. Helfrichs to look at a hog. It sure is some beautiful days; warm. We fried in sausage, & bacon; cold packed, 4 qts. ham; canned 1 qt. beef for soup.
Wednesday, Jan. 17, 1934
Joe Wcthal [sic – Wachtel], Henry Rausch, got the hog this morning. We went to Bellville [sic] sold 31 doz. eggs, some for 23¢ & 19¢, also sold meat, & sausage. Wm. Ganley came & paid $32.90 Int. but still has $95.00 & Int. on that yet till 1933 is all paid up. Our heifer with the hide brought us $28.03. Redsow 9 pigs born.
Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1934
We butched [sic] 2 hogs, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & lunch, dinner & supper, Henry helped too was here for lunch & dinner; took some soup bones, sausage along home. Leona wasn’t feeling so well; we made summer sausage, 10 lbs. beef. Mildred Wacthel brought the 25¢ what she owed on beef. Chas. Heff, stopped in to get beef last we had 6 lbs. George Wagner came & engaged a hog to kill maybe on Sun. They are working steady on the road, 8 hrs. work, 50¢ hr; so he has to butcher on Sun. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here this evening, we all went to the euchre given by Altar Sodality in the School hall, Bertille the highest one of us had 8 points, got box, perfume, bath salts, powder, Aunt Mary had 7, got box letter writing paper, not enough prices [sic – prizes], 4 out of seven points got prizes; pretty good crowd, 23 tables. Fr. Aydt, got first prize 12 points, got magzine [sic] stand. The surprize attendance prize was won by Ethel Parker, $1 bill. Joe Wacthel was here looked at the hogs; he wants one to butcher tomorrow.
Monday, Jan. 15, 1934
Osie Neff is here butchering a heifer for us; for 75¢. George Schilling was here to see Osie; A quarter of beef weighs 80 lbs. & 83 lbs; Robert Laut & Chas Helfrich’s got each a quarter. Mr. Ed Meng got some beef; here. Levi Gregson came up to see about some hogs. Milton Wagner got beef here. Mrs. Wm. Gregson & Mrs. Rennecker was here, Mrs. Gregson got a piece for soup meat.
Sunday, Jan. 14, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner & supper here; this evening we all went down to Levi Gregson’s; had social conversation, looked at picture, played musci [sic], had cookies & apples. Henry was up & him & papa went to the public school took the Farm Bureau Meeting & got there government wheat checks, papa’s was from Pabst $5.06, & Henry’s $22.58; Hughes & Kolmer spoke about the hog & corn, question Mr. Vogt came to see Uncle Fred about renting his place, but it isn’t for rent. Minnie Staufenbiel came to see Aunt Mary, wrote a letter to John Hempe today. Lauts got election washer. Walter Hecke moved to Waterloo last Sun. Alvin [Irvin – ed. correction] Albrecth nee Bertha Muenth have a little baby boy, called it James; now have 4 children.
Saturday, Jan. 13, 1934
We finished our quilt took it out of the frame. Berti went to Lizzie Boll’s got the bread. Papa went down to Red Bud, took orders for beef. We went to Robert Lauts played 6 hand pinochle, had cake, & wine. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to New Athens see John.
Friday, Jan. 12, 1934
Papa got the mail. A man around selling weather strips, one around delivering advertising paper, Clifford & Mr. Vogt, pevely milk driver, was to here to see if he could rent Uncle Fred’s house, papa told them to see Uncle Fred about it.
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