Nice day, froze last nite. Papa & Rosalia took load to Waterloo, got 73¢, & sack soft wheat flour for $2.95. We quilted this afternoon. A dirigible went southwest, right low. There was a bunch went to Ed. Neff’s & chivaried him this eve.
Wednesday, Jan. 10, 1934
Papa & Rosalia got load wood, stop at Henry’s, got the wire stretcher, to fix fence, for our sows that is going to have pigs by Sat. he put at quilt in the frame this afternoon.
Tuesday, Jan. 9, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, came here awhile, then we all went to Wilfried [sic] Eichenseer’s funeral, he was 16 will be 17 in June, his pallbearers were, Loraine & Ray Wittenauer, Lee Gregson, Paul Wittenauer, Joe & Paul Parker. It was an awful large funeral, nice flowers. Father made an awful nice sermon, the church was crowded, some standing. Henry & Albert Cleveland, stop in awhile. Bertille went to Lizzie Boll’s got the bread. Some men, around selling apples, we didn’t take none, ironed & patched.
Monday, Jan. 8, 1934
We washed. Mr. Hill came for news. Mr. & Mrs. John Myerscough, & Peter came up to Hecker, thought the funeral was today but it isn’t till tomorrow; so they came here, & had dinner with us. Mr. Wil Harbaugh, mineral feed man, stop & gave us a call; we took our Christmas tree down. They took Mrs. Philip Braun to Oakville, [Okwaville] to a hospital; she has rehumatism [sic] so awful bad, Rita went along yesterday.
Sunday, Jan. 7, 1934
We went to Red Bud, took Helfrichs along. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, played pinochle, left about 2:30 went to see Wilfred Eichenseer, they was to bring him home about 2 o’clock. There was a bunch going to chivari Ed Neff last night, but on account of this accident they didn’t. We all went to Eichenseer’s this evening, stayed till 8:30, after the rosary was said; there were quite a few came in & out; some stayed. Angela [the deceased’s sister] takes it awful hard; not so bad on the rest of the family.
Saturday, Jan. 6, 1934
Papa got things from town this morning. The Ganley place gets sold this afternoon at 3 o clock; at Public Sale. Carlise Morrison, auctioneer. Uncle Fred & papa went over, quite a few people there, the home place, brought, $3,000, 100 acres, $30.00 @ acre. Emily bought that, & the other 40 acres brought $775.00 George Schilling bought it. We & Aunt Mary stayed by Henry’s so long, they walked from there in; the roads were little muddy. Wilfried Eichenseer, Vic’s oldest boy, nearly 16 yrs, was acciendtally [sic] shot, & died this afternoon at 2 o’clock; out by George Boll’s lane, he was out at Papenberg’s to go hunting, report is he fell off wagon & his gun, shot him, Cyril, Harold, Clarence & Wilfred went out hunting, out to Papenbergs, by Parker’s they went across the field, & went they got to Boll’s lane, Papenberg’s boy’s came out with the wagon, got a hog from there, & they stop & talked, Wilfred jumped on the wagon, & sat with the gun towards him, & he was going to get off, he sliped [sic] & the gun went of, hitting him under the arm, in one of the arteries that leads to the heart, & he bleed to death, he had a vest on with 36 bullets in it, some of them went off to, they say it, is sure lucky that none of the rest got hurt. Wagner & Herman of Waterloo have charge of it. Eichenseers brought the body in on the truck, when [unclear] & doctor wasn’t there either. He got a new suit from the store for Christmas & a wrist watch from his grandpa, for helping around in the store. Wilfred was the first to died in Ant Eichenseer family in 41 years.
Friday, Jan. 5, 1934
It rained yesterday, the road relief workers weren’t out, but went again today. Cyril Eichenseer came & got the recipe how to sugar cane meat. Bertil [sic] went to Liz Boll’s got the bread. Bruno Winkler’s father died Dec. 30, aged 83 yrs. Miss Slyveria Helfrich celebrated her 17th birthday anniversary Sun. evening & Harold Birkner his 6th & Elmer Quirin his 23rd; & also Maben Pickett.
Thursday, Jan. 4, 1934
Papa went to see Pete Watchel’s. Harold Wagner was here wanted to sell & take orders for seeds. Ed. Neff 26 & Bertha Helfrich 20 were married at Paderborn Hecker, this morning at 7 o clock mass. Mr. Vogt, Kroll’s son in law will move to Hecker, & is going to start, hauling milk for Peveley Diary [sic], he will come & take the milk right from the house; he told Henry, but Henry had sent to Waterloo, & now he can’t sent none at all till 30 days; he was supposed to give St. Louis Dairy 30 days notice & didn’t do it. Mr. Henry Acker of Lords Corner died this afternoon at 1’o clock will be buried Sun. afternoon, there. Louis Dehn butched [sic] by Renneckers.
Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1934
We ironed, patched. There is a wreath hanging on the bank doors again this year. George Wagner’s wedding anniv. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening & them Rosalia & Bert, went down to Louis Armstutz played 6 hand pinochle, 3 games, Bertille had 600 queens, & didn’t hardly seen them. Mr. Pete Watchel & Levi Ganley where here on business, to see papa, while we were gone.
Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1934
We washed, it isn’t so nice out today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, & we helped her quilt over in there house, we all had supper there; & finished the quilt. Hoef was here.
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