Cloudy today. We are going to have chicken dinner, soup & fried. Armin Geodell came said, he wouldn’t take the pigs, because his dad was over last night & told him that he ordered them from Geo. Geodelle for him. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got load wheat, took it to Red Bud got 61¢ bu. Mrs. Cleveland was by Henry’s, helping Leona, she has her arm in sling now, couldn’t see anything wrong with it on the picture. Eggs are 14¢.
Wednesday, March 21, 1934
Armin Geodelle was here, looked at our pigs & is going to take 4. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, Uncle Fred stayed here, the rest of us went to Bellville [sic], bought new dresses $5.85 + $2.98 they had supper here, then we all went to Red Bud, went to Dr. Paulter first, then to church, & Buehler’s. Today was last day for old license.
Tuesday, March 20, 1934
We went to Red Bud to Luhr’s Hatchery & ordered, White & Wyandolte’s chicks, will get them by 12th April; they went to Waterloo to Heyl’s Hatchery, price on chicx [sic] $8.00 a 100; went to butcher shops; etc. Some guys came around selling Coppers Protective & papers for 3 yrs. at $2.00. Mr. Webb, we signed up for it. Steve Rennecker brought us our receipt from Lester Gregson for fire co. payed for 1 yr.
Monday, March 19, 1934
We washed, ironed, patched. Nic Schaefer came, papa had to sign a paper for him again that he bought hogs from him, his paper’s came back. Henry came went to the meeting in the School house, & had the slight error corrected on the contract. He borrowed $18.00 & went down to Red Bud to Ed Pautler & paid his oil & gas bill. The five men had pratice [sic] about hr. today again. Rose went to Hecker with 18 doz. eggs. It is warmer again today. Eggs 15¢.
Sunday, March 18, 1934
Uncle Fred came a little while, then they went home. Rosa & Berti went to church, late mass, took Helfrich’s kids along. Papa stayed home, has a very bad cough. Mr. Laurent’s of Prairie Du Rocher came & looked at our heifers but wouldn’t pay that much for them. It rained last night & turned to snow; the paper said for to be 18 degrees; one day hot, next cold again, some weather, lot of people got cabbage plants set out. They say Lester Brun’s is going to build a house on the lot ¾ acre from Levi Gregson, what he bought, pretty far of the hard road, where there is a well there already, he will built 28 x 32, Levi told Uncle Fred. Today is passion Sun, had Holy Hour after mass this morn.
Saturday, March 17, 1934
St. Patricks Day. Papa got crushing done. Wm. Ganley was here & paid interest. $31.45 still due. It rained a little & getting colder.
Friday, March 16, 1934
Papa hauled in hay. We went to the woods after dinner, finished up; got wheat & oats out at Henry’s; came home, made garden. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had supper here, we went to church with her. Robert Laut paid his hog 439 lbs. $4.65. Billy Olendorph’s have a little baby boy, she is by Chas. Minneman’s, her parents. Went to Minnie got Aunt’s dress, finished 25¢.
Thursday, March 15, 1934
Robert Laut & Joe Watchel got Rob’s hog this morning, took it to Eichenseers got it weighed 439 lbs. We went in the woods all day. This evening planted onions sets, radishes, lettuce in garden. It is in the paper that Lester Bruns & Melissa Weigand will be married Easter Monday & that he bought some land from Levi Gregson. Pete Gardener Sr. Undertaker of Belleville died last night, got sick Mon. evening with a cold & it turned to pneoumina [sic], had heart stroke & died, will be buried Mon. afternoon on account St. Joseph’s Day, no funeral, to St. Luke’s Church Bellville [sic]. Mass will be said.
Wednesday, March 14, 1934
Yesterday it was so warm last nite colder & also this morn. Rosalia spaded a piece in the garden. Nearly everybody made garden yesterday, it was so nice. We went out in the woods this afternoon. George Wagner came & paid for his hog, 210 lbs. @ $4.50. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped on there way to Red Bud. Otto Horn suit agent was here. We went to Red Bud, church, then to Buehler’s, Ivo’s birthday, cake & wine was served. Henry Birkner & family where the only ones down.
Tuesday, March 13, 1934
We all went up in woods all day. Robert Laut ordered his hog to butcher on Thurs. We went out to Floyd’s birthday, 5 yrs. old. Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred where the only ones there. Geodell’s was out night before. Henry & Leona went to East St. Louis, got xray taken of her arm.
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