Rained a little, still south wind & warm. Bertie baked cookies, made chicken dinner. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, Billy stayed here; all they had dinner here. Mrs. Phily Kammler, nee Nancy Kutis) was buried yesterday afternoon. Stehfests Cemetery. It was in this evenings paper that Mr. & Mrs. Leo Watchel of Paderborn, have a 7½ lb. daughter born at there home Mon; yesterday. she was formerly Ruth Krehrer, that makes Mr. & Mrs. Pete Watchel of Smithon [sic] grand parents, first time. Beautiful evening.
Monday, Nov. 19, 1934
We washed, ironed, patched, cleaned ready for butchering. Papa hauled the wood home from Pabsts, 3 loader. Steve brought the paper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here this evening. Aunt Mary took a 4 ½ roaster along home @10¢.
Sunday, Nov. 18, 1934
We went to Waterloo to mas, after that Bill Freund drove our car, over to St. Louis to Josie Keller, we had dinner & supper there, bill & us kids, went to Forest Park, & to see Lindy’s thropies [sic]; it was beautiful, the rest of them played cards; the people sure did give Lindibergh [sic – Charles Lindbergh] some beautiful presents; when we came back; we stopped at Pautler Dance, and Oh! Boy was it good; we brought Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary along back; Uncle Fred 60 yr. birthday today, celebrated at Waterloo.
Saturday, Nov. 17, 1934
Papa got crushing done. Roy Staufenbiel’s boy hasn’t got winter fever, he said he ate dried butter beans, about 40 has already passed through. Mr. Ed Pabst brought 3 sacks potatoes, clover seed & lumber this morning. Hy. Armstutz brought ¹⁄3 corn. It rained a little this morning. but then the sun came, out nice again. Mr. Edwin Neff, sued Jake Orlet & Gus Schaefer for striking him at the dance in Paderborn Tues. night, knocked him in the head broke his glasses, must of been a real fight, the way it is said. Mr. Lawrence Matthews is giving a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, ladies free.
Friday, Nov. 16, 1934
Went to Belleville this morn, sold 52 lb. old hens 20¢. Ben Schilling was here brought clover seed; 95 lbs. Papa got the oil changed in the whippet, by Probst’s. Mr. R. S. Butler of Burksville was buried last Mon. morning at Waterloo, aged 71 yrs. Mrs. Butler died last June; he was buried also at Waterloo, seven priests served at the mass. Mrs. Eliza Ganley died 1 yr. today.
Thursday, Nov. 15, 1934
We took our turnips in. Bernice Wagner got ½ doz. eggs. Papa hauled 2 loads wood. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie Keller gave us a short call, then they all left for St. Louis; 500 3 Christy Ave. she took eggs along, she also went down & gave Lizzie Boll a call. The St. Patricks church of Tiptown is giving a fish fry & shooting match tonight at Oak Grove; we went , but didn’t win any; had a dance also, Adm 25. AuBchons [sic] Orc. played. We stoped [sic] at Henry’s.
Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1934
Uncle Fred came brought Aunt Mary up for the Ladies Convention to be held at the School Hall, with dinner 50¢ a plate & program this afternoon. Uncle Fred & papa went out to Henry’s sawed wood this afternoon. Rose & Berti went to the Dentist, Rose got 1 pulled & 1 filled Berti got 1 filled. Richert of Dupo was here this morning, engaged 2 hogs for 2 weeks & bought 2 pigs from Henry $2.00 a p. [a piece]. Mr. Edgar Wittenauer & Miss Alsace Eckert are giving a free birthday dance in Kammlers Hall tonite; rang over lines, everybody invited. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, there were so many ladies at the hall today, over 200, for dinner was served, chicken, dressing, peas, turnips, mashed potatoes, cake, cranberries on lettuce & ice cream, ice water & coffee; a big day was had; a quilt was raffled to a Lenzburg lady. We all went to the dance, nice crowd, Koehler’s Orch, in which Edgar plays drums. Rather cold again, froze ice last few nights.
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1934
We culled chicken out, have 150, – 75 young ones. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & papa went to see Wm. Rankins this afternoon. Roy Staufenbiel’s little boy Freddie is awful sick with pneumonia, for the last several days, is pretty sick. Mr. August Klotz, lost 2 cows & another sick yesterday & today; poisoned; from corn fodder, lost all 3 of them. A play in Paderborn tonite.
Monday, Nov. 12, 1934
Holiday, Armistice Day, town people don’t work, stores closed, banks, no papers printed. Papa went to Red Bud got sack laying mash, paid for hog feed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, had dinner & supper here. We sawed wood this afternoon, Henry sawed, it, 3½ hrs. Ed Mueth, Emil, Henry & Uncle Fred. We took our wash along out & washed at Leona’s this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed, played pinochle this evening. Mr. Herzog fruit tree agent was here, & left a card at the door.
Sunday, Nov. 11, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in a while; after church. Mr. Clyde Pautler of Evansville & Miss Ann Marie Parker were published first time today. Henry & family came, took us along, went over to St. Louis to Frank Dudenhoefers, got there about 4:30, had supper, & Oh Boy! was it good; played pinochle & bunco in the evening, left about 8:30 for home. Mr. & Mrs. Lester Hoeffner & Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Rohrass Gusta’ nephew; & Bill Dudenhoefer were all there. Gusta broke her right arm, some time ago, she fell. We went the old St. Louis Road Route 13, surely a nice drive; & enjoyed it immensley.
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