We were at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. The girl that Fr. Stern raised was married to Johnson on Labor Day at Red Bud, last Thurs. noon she looked in the mirror & shot herself in the head, died 5 o clock; she was cashier in Packing House in St. Louis, were she will also be buried over there. Mrs. George Gregson who was taken to Red Bud hospital last week was operated on for appendix, & will be removed to her home tomorrow. Josie Kaiser is keeping house. We drove to New Athens, Lenzburg; Happy Hollows: to see Mr. Hamill, he wanted to buy binder or trade on a cow. Steve came here when we got home, told us Chas. Kern & son of Columbia was here looking at drill & binder. Seen some beautiful country by Lenzburg.
Saturday, Sept. 29, 1934
Papa got crushing done. A man around selling pears 60¢ bu. We went to Belleville. Zippel brought the hog feed that was ordered. We walked up to Mamie’s but she wasn’t at home, then she came down here, & gave us a call; she was by Mrs. Staufenbiel. Odillo has a new chev, traded his old one in, coach, orange weehls [sic] tan body; got it this morning. Ed Parkers have a V8 ford, not new.
Friday, Sept. 28, 1934
Raining again, all morning & heavy. We cleaned basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, then went down to Red Bud.
Thursday, Sept. 27, 1934
Leona’s 24 yr. birthday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Rosalia left at 8:30 Sparta Fair; horse races today. Mr. George Braun, of Red Bud, died, that is Adam’s brother. The Rock Creek School is now closed, diptheria in the district, Roeider kids have it are quarantined also. Leona came up, met Miss Klube & Klaezner from the bus, stopped in awhile here. The Sparta Fair was wonderful, came home 6:30; brought fruit jar lid – a sample, & Aunt bought hair curlers; they had supper here; then we all went out to the birthday; cake was served, those present were, Mr. Gus Geodell & family, Mr. Albert Cleveland & family & Walter Reheis, Emil Bestmann, Miss Klube, Miss Klazener, the young folks, enjoyed themselves with dancing & music, singing.
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1934
We washed, nice day. Henry came, put the hay away this afternoon. Rag man here, we sold him ours 25¢. Henry & Leona brought the kids here we went along with them to Charlie Schilling’s birthday dance at Pautler’s 21 yr. Moonlight Orc. Gents 25¢. Osie Mazentbacher & Sly. Hellmer have a little boy – girl last week 2 day apart.
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 1934
Rosalia & Bertille went to Henry’s, helped clean house, had dinner. Henry came up & cut hay, had dinner here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, brought lard to Braun’s 9¢ lb. Mr. Zioppel of Red Bud here selling pig feed; Washer sales agent here; lady selling gauze 35¢. Aunt Mary bought it. Fr. Aydt has meeting for the boy’s 16 and men at the hall tonite, Stag Party. Mr. Andrew Rist died at St. Vincents Home, that is John & Mrs. Jac Schmidt of Waterloo father; will be buried Thurs. morn.
Monday, Sept. 24, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went back to Straub’s to get the heifer. There is going to be a Democrat Rally at Kammler’s Hall tonight, Judge Riess principal speaker. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family came, all went, papa took care of the kids, stayed here. All the Monroe Co. candidates, were present, Judge Riess, Urban Heyl, Brand’s, Schaefer speakers, free beer was held; after the meeting. We planted our flowers. Mrs. Rennecker came got a dress pattern. We canned 6 qts pears.
Sunday, Sept. 23, 1934
We went out to Uncle Fred’s, had dinner & supper. Christ Buehler’s came in the afternoon, too. Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile; this evening. Mr. Ed. Coop 35 & Elsi Pautler were published for the last time today wedding Wed. morning at Evansville Ill; by Fr. Tecklenburg; Marie Coop & Clyde Pautler best [attendants]; wedding dance; barn; of there. Mrs. Rabe’s house in Red Bud was on fire tonite.
Saturday, Sept. 22, 1934
We went to Wm. Straub’s sale by Burskville [sic]; bought a heifer calf $12.85. Mr. May & Vin Walsh, auctioneer & clerk. Ben Schilling & Jac. Reheis gave a free birthday dance at Pautler’s Park tonight.
Friday, Sept. 21, 1934
Henry & Leona were up, he got the team & wagon. It rained this afternoon. Mr. Ralph Ettling was here paid Interest all of it. Quite a few people have cold these days; turning colder again tonite. Jac. Reheis’s 32 yr. old birthday.
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